Page 11 of Greedy Gods

He knows Thale could easily take far more land than they've offered. But the army will be rid of Teller, and the packs prefer peaceful relations when possible.

Thale clasps arms with the envoy, sealing the deal. "Then we shall let you proceed with your work. Safe travels."

The envoy bows again. "And to you, Alpha. Please send word if we can assist against the traitor Teller."

But we all know any "assistance" will be token at best. As usual, the packs stand alone against those who wish us harm.

Still, it is something to have forced the army's hand, increasing our territory and resources.

We watch the envoy and his people depart, keeping our body language neutral. Only once they are out of sight do we relax and turn to each other.

"Well played," Lucian tells Thale, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "That was subtly done."

"A substantial gain for our pack," rumbles Thale. But his eyes remain troubled. "But Teller is still a threat. And new land comes with the responsibility to defend it."

"We'll be ready for him," Adar growls. Flames dance along his knuckles.

I glance south toward the mountains where Teller lurks. "At least he'll be forced to abandon his camp in the foothills now."

It will limit Teller's options, and give us time to shore up the pack's new defenses. Thale can use his magic to fortify the expanded borders.

For now, Teller will have to retreat and regroup. But we all know the rogue general will be back. And the next time our packs clash, only one side will be left standing.

Thale takes my hand, reading my troubled thoughts. "Do not fear, dear one. United, we are strong."

I cling to his steady strength, breathing in the reassuring scent of fresh earth. Together, we will protect our people from anything.

The work of securing our new territory begins swiftly. Thale wastes no time utilizing his magic as Mountain Pack's alpha to fortify the expanded borders. I can feel the thrum of power each time he sinks his hands into the earth, murmuring ancient words to awaken the land's guardian spirits.

The forests and hills hum with energy as the new wards take shape. Our territory has nearly doubled overnight, creating a formidable natural barrier around the heart of Mountain Pack lands.

Teller will have a difficult time attacking us again. But I know better than to underestimate his magic or tricks.

"Will the new wards be enough to keep Teller out?" I ask Thale as we survey a section of dense woods he recently awakened.

"They will not stop him indefinitely," rumbles Thale. "But any attempt to breach them will require considerable power. Power he does not currently possess now that he no longer has access to a wellspring."

I nod, taking comfort in his confidence. Thale understands the land and its magic better than anyone.

Still, unease gnaws at my gut. Teller managed to get through our wards before. If he finds a way to counter our new defenses, the consequences would be dire.

Almost as if reading my thoughts, Thale squeezes my shoulder. "Do not borrow trouble, dear heart. Focus on the present. Teller is weakened and in retreat."

I force a smile, pushing down my worries. "You're right. We should be celebrating our gains."

Thale's stern face softens. "Go spend time with your other mates. I must continue securing the borders, but that is slow work. They will help keep your spirits up."

I lean up on tiptoe to kiss Thale's bearded cheek. "Thank you. Don't overexert yourself, my oak. The wards can wait one night."

He huffs amusement. "I promise to rest soon. Now go."

With a wave, I head off to find the others. Thale is right—I need distraction from fretting about the future.

I discover Lucian outside the cabin we've claimed as our own, gazing up at the stars coming out overhead. He glances over with a smile as I approach and holds out an arm.

I tuck myself against his lean frame, soaking in his crisp scent. "How are the borders?"

"Thale is working himself to the bone, of course," Lucian murmurs. "But the new wards are strong. Even Teller will have difficulty slipping past unnoticed."