Page 10 of Greedy Gods

"Of course. He wants the wellspring," Thale mutters. "He's going to try to get at least one of them back now we've secured them. But the Mountain Pack wellspring is his ultimate goal."

I shudder at the thought of Teller's corrupted hands on the wellspring's power. "We have to get there first and stop him."

Lucian nods, icy eyes glittering with anticipation. "Too right, darling. Let's go roast that bastard."

Flames ignite on Adar's fists as he pounds one hand into the other. "Past time we ended him."

Just as we turn to head for Teller's camp, the air in front of Thale shimmers. A small portal opens, and a piece of paper floats out.

Thale snatches the paper from the air, scanning it quickly. "A message from your witch friend Ali," he rumbles. "The federal army has sent envoys looking for me in my territory."

I tense. If army officials have come seeking Thale, it likely means they're ready to make a move regarding Teller's attacks on the packs. But will they support us against the rogue general, or blame the packs for his actions?

"They have impeccable timing," Lucian says dryly.

"We can't afford to ignore a summons from the army while their treaty with the packs still holds," Thale says. "Much as I would rather tear out Teller's throat this instant."

I lay a hand on his massive forearm. "You're right. We have to deal with them first."

As Mountain Pack's alpha, Thale has little choice but to answer the army's call. If he ignored them, it would give them an excuse to break the treaty completely and strike openly at all packs.

"Very well." Thale's shoulders slump briefly before squaring with resolve. "Let us go and see what these government dogs want."

The army envoys are waiting at the pack border when we arrive. I count a dozen men and women in formal uniforms, armed but trying not to look it. Their sharp eyes assess our approach.

Thale takes the lead, radiating authority. The rest of us fan out slightly behind him in silent support. I lift my chin and stare down the officials, daring them to challenge us here on our own lands.

But when the apparent leader steps forward, he nods respectfully to Thale. "Alpha. Thank you for agreeing to parlay. We have much to discuss."

Thale inclines his head slightly. "Speak your purpose."

The envoy clears his throat. "Firstly, we are here to officially repudiate the actions of General Teller and his rogue battalion. Their attacks on your packs violate our treaty and do not represent the policies of our government."

I bite my tongue to keep from scoffing in disbelief. As if they don't secretly approve of Teller trying to subjugate werewolves.

But this song and dance is familiar. The army must distance itself from Teller now that his coup is failing.

Thale's eyes bore into the nervous envoy. "Your government has supported Teller's ambitions in the past. Why should we believe now is different?"

The man tugs at his collar. "Teller persuaded certain short-sighted parties his plans had merit and swore he wouldn't be breaking the treaties. He lied, obviously. When we recognized the, ah, flaws in his methods, he broke from our command structure."

Lies, of course. But this is the dance of politics between their kind and ours. If we point that out, they'll only attack further.

"Of course," Thale rumbles. "What does your government propose to make amends for this unfortunate...misunderstanding?"

The envoy relaxes slightly at Thale's diplomatic tone. "First of all, we're willing to give you supplies and tactical support for any actions your pack takes against Teller. And perhaps more importantly, consideration of"—he glances at his notes—"territorial concessions."

I blink in surprise. Land concessions are not a small offer. Teller's failure seems to have frightened them more than I realized.

Thale strokes his beard thoughtfully. "Specific concessions?"

"We are prepared to cede a significant portion of forested areas adjacent to your current territory." The envoy meets Thale's gaze steadily. "In acknowledgement of...unmet obligations. And the need for more secure borders."

It's a solid offer. Thale could expand Mountain Pack lands substantially, and with them, the magical wards that protect our territory. Teller would be forced out of the foothills he's claimed as his new base.

Thale eyes the envoy shrewdly, then nods. "Very well. Your concessions are accepted as a gesture of good faith between our peoples. Provided they are enacted swiftly."

Relief flashes across the envoy's face. "Of course, Alpha. We will begin surveying the new boundaries today. You have my word."