My paws dig into the earth. My fur stands on end. Peeling my lips back, I show the full length of my fangs.
And I summon enough fire to cleanse thousands of vampires from the earth all at once, burning through a broad swathe of the forest and boiling the water.
Adar's flames beat at my back, hot enough to melt metal. I shift into my human form and surge into the air to get high above the flames, drawing on my powers. Wind whips around me, powerful and strong.
The wellspring is like a beating heart inside my chest. It's becoming more and more aware of our transgressions. In a matter of time, it'll demand a new guardian, or bring us back into its cool embrace.
Not if I have anything to say about it. I want to stay right here, with my mate, my brothers-in-arms, and my people. And I'm willing to fight for this world.
Drawing on my powers, I summon a storm so large and furious it could flatten an entire state. Wind screams and howls around me. Rain lashes at my skin beats at my clothing as I pull it into being.
It casts a shadow a mile wide. Rumbles with lightning and power. Thirsts for vengeance.
I hold it in one hand, drawing it down, keeping a tight leash on it so it doesn't go astray.
Then I send a little note out to the wellspring, silently asking it to give us its strength. To let us influence this world, for once, and not just live in its shadows. This is an age of change, after all—an age of omegas reborn and gods summoned to the earth. Surely we can change, too, if only the wellspring lets us.
I feed the storm so much power that it howls with fury, like a living creature held tight by my hands.
And I let it go on the vampire horde below me.
It sucks them up into its embrace, knocking them around like little dolls. Where it grabs at a werewolf, I send out a fist of air to gently lower them to the ground in its eye. Soon, I have almost a thousand members of the bloodsucking army in the grip of my storm.
Regretfully, Teller and his allies escape my grip. He has them protected by his ancient magic. I can't get through those shields, even with Ali beating at them with all her might.
But I get plenty of others, and crush them in the fist of my storm.
Turning bloodsucking vamps into dust that falls from the sky among the raindrops, cleansing the earth below.
Iuse my powers to move the river's flow so that it puts out the fire where it licks at our army's feet. Quenching the flames has always been one of my tasks when I fight alongside my brother-in-arms the Keeper of the Flame, but today he's in rare form, letting loose with all his fury.
You're getting a little too big with your attack,I warn Adar.Pull it back a bit.
Roger that, wet blanket.
He does what I asked, by weaving his flames into the fur of his Fury Pack warriors and sending them our to harry the vampires. They come at them from all sides, dodging and striking, lighting them on fire then melting into the undergrowth again.
That settled, I summon water from the air and beneath the earth. Flowing all around us in little streams, it looks like a useless weapon.
And it is—until I freeze the water into thousands of tiny stakes. Throwing them at the vampires, I cut their numbers nearly in half, piercing their hearts hundreds of times over.
A little smile curls my lips as they fall into dust. I can feel the wellspring inside me, looking at the battle through my eyes. I know, with grim determination, that it'll demand its guardians back soon.
So I decide to make the best of my time here, and kill a few hundred more vampires.
Little by little, the army Teller has summoned through the portals slows down. Fewer come through by the second. Some of the portals close up, either because he's closed them, or because Ali is attacking them with all her might.