Blood rot is spreading across the land.
I smell it as we race down from the mountains, into the foothills, towards the Fury Pack's last known location. The young witch Ali keeps up with us, her eyes glowing white as she channels ancient magic.
Two ancient magic channelers. A wolf-witch hybrid who's alpha of her own pack. The last omega reborn.
We are living in an age of upheavel, and wherever our people wind up, everything will be different.
Do we know that the alpha is dead?Thale asks Lucian.The Fury Pack is nomadic. Maybe he's connected with another pack or wellspring.
He's dead. They cut off his head.
We're all silent for a moment at that, while I wonder grimly what I'm about to get myself into. I've nevertrulybeen alpha of a pack before, and now I'm attempting to take over one who became so angry at their previous alpha that they brutally murdered him.
Caterina warily observes,Maybe they had a good reason. Not all alphas are kind, even in the modern age. It might've been what the pack needed.
The reasons don't matter, ultimately speaking. With an alpha dead, and his pack repudiating them, the land the Fury Pack has spread their tendrils across is rebelling.
Blood rot is what we call it. It happens when a pack is no longer connected to their territory. Plants die, the earth grows nothing new, prey animals suffer and starve, and worst of all, vampires move in to fill the gap.
We run across a small coven of them on our way to the Fury Pack. Thale suggests we go around, but I speed up to barrel straight through. Burning a few vamps into ash and taking out a few more with my claws helps slake my blood lust. And it seems to liven up the four Sky Pack warriors we've taken with us, all of whom seem to have aged with their dead alpha.
Ali calls out, "We're almost to the location. I can sense ancient magic being channeled."
Which means one thing: Teller is already here, with his two patsies along for the ride.
I'm not worried about Eli. The fool seems to have neutered himself. But Klaus is a concern, especially if he has more of his tricky magic with him.
Gruffly, I tell Caterina,Stay in the rear, and let us take the lead on the battle.
She bristles at this, and I feel it through the mate bond.I don't want to stay back.
Thale says,You should, Dear Heart. Your heat was so recent. It's still dangerous.
It'll break our hearts if he takes you again,Everett says.
As if on cue, Ali, who can't hear our conversation, points out, "Rina, it'll be a distraction if you're kidnapped again. Maybe it would be best if you hang back."
Rina peels her lips back from her teeth.I want to fight.
I wonder if she'll be able to soon. Fern was strong in many moments of her life, and seemed to be capable of channeling the abilities of alphas and witches around her. Like a mimic, she moved from one power to the next, baffling all around her.
Though her strength wasn't enough to prevent her tragic death. A mistake we'll undo by protecting and saving Caterina from the soul who killed her in the first place.
Let us protect you,Lucian says, stepping in to soothe Rina's irritation.It's what we're meant for. And don't worry—if any of us gets our hands on Klaus, we'll give him over to you. Right guys?
We all chorus our agreement, though in my head, I'd only give him over to Rina after charring his dick off his body and burning half his skin off.
She could take the killing blow, of course. I know how to keep my barbecue alive.
Find, I'll hang back,Caterina agrees.
I can feel her resentment and desire to fight through our mate bond, though. Hopefully soon enough she'll be able to channel Fern's abilities.
She should be getting her memories soon.
Memories that may or may not change her completely.
As we race around the corner, my hackles go up. The blood rot here is spreading in front of our eyes, black gore oozing from the ground, color draining from the trees as bark peels away from their aged trunks.