It's more than I can take, watching her eagerness. As I dip my fingers in and out of her ass, she moans and slobbers on Adar's cock, licking the barbs up and down. His knot engorges, ready and eager to come again, even without an omega's heat around.
We never get as engorged without a heat, but it still feels good to tie an omega, even if it only lasts until we come. There's something to be said for having your cock in a warm, wet body for as long as possible. Though today, none of us are lasting for long, because as Rina reaches down to fuck her pussy with her fingers, Adar shudders and comes in her mouth.
"It's hard to hold back when you're such a hot little slut," he says, tugging at her hair and groaning as she swallows his cum and licks her lips. "I swear, as soon as we're done fixing up this world, I'm going to fuck you so hard you see stars, then stay inside you for days afterwards. You can count on it."
"I look forward to it." She shudders, clenching around her fingers as I press my knuckles into her rear entrance. "I'm ready, my alphas. Give me your knots, please—don't make me beg for them. I never want to beg for them again."
"And you won't have to," Lucian says, climbing up next to her and repositioning her body so she's between us. "I want her pussy, Everett, unless you object."
"I wouldn't dare." Sliding her onto my lap, I spread her thighs towards him and line my cock head up between her full cheeks.
"Okay." She bites her lip, then moans as Lucian teases her pussy with his cock head. "Don't make me beg."
"But you sound so beautiful as you beg," I tell her, grabbing her waist and chuckling. "Don't worry. This time, there will be no begging."
"Good. Becausethisomega isn't going to wait around for alpha knots when she has four at her disposal."
"You set the pace, Sweet Thing."
She backs up onto my cock, squirming at first. I hold myself still as I feel her ass resist my cock head. Then Lucian strokes his cock inside her pussy, and she moans, aroused by his length. With him inside her, she's pushed back onto my cock, and her slick back entrance lets me in.
It takes all my self-control to keep from pounding her ass. Lucian holds back too, thrusting only half his cock into her.
But she's wet and quivering quickly, writhing between us. "Give me more, more please."
"As you wish," I tell her, cautiously stroking inside. "Be careful of the barbed shaft, Sweetness. Your ass isn't your pussy—"
Irritated, she takes things into her own hands. Sitting down on my cock, she wraps her legs around Lucian and tugs him inside her until we both slip in.
Then our knots slip in too, and she cries out in pure pleasure. I thrust shallowly inside her ass, loving the way she comes on us so easily, her body shuddering and writhing. Lucian plays with her clit, and I tug on her nipples, feeling her clench around us, her eyes rolling back in her head.
"You look so gorgeous," Lucian tells her, stroking shallowly inside her. "That's it, sweetie."
We both tie inside her at the same time, our knots engorging. She whines and whimpers, her lips parted, the smell of her perfume in the air. I wish that I could memorize the lines of her face and hold them in my mind forever.
After she's come a few times, we both bite her neck and release ourselves inside her. She has a G-Spot orgasm on our dicks as wetness fills her up and drips out of her. When she's done, she looks thoroughly satisfied.
I'm just happy she's happy. She doesn't even want to be cleaned up before bed, declaring she loves the scent of all four of us on her. So we cuddle her close until she's asleep, then carefully slip her onto her bed and beneath the sheets.
When she's snoring, Thale and I exchange looks, and I can see that something is up.
"We have to talk," he says. "Now."
"The little witch came to me tonight and told me something troubling," I tell the others, unable to stop the dread spreading in my chest. "That bastard Teller gave Caterina a vision of the future. A vision where omegas were tortured to death my alphas, just like the old world."
Adar snarls. "It must have been a trick. Something he made up."
"No—Ali questioned her, and the vision rang true. What's worse is, she had seers look into the future, and they confirmed what Caterina saw. If omegas come back to life, then the old world will rise again, with all its violence."
"We can't let that happen." Everett's eyes shine. "Especially if the omegas are her descendants. Our children can't be allowed to suffer."
"It wouldn't be our descendants," Lucian says, and I nod in response to the question in his tone. "It would be the other souls in the wellspring. Surely you've felt them."