Page 38 of Sinful Shifters

So we head to the entrance to Sky Pack's territory, a small break between two cliffs where an outpost and a path up the mountains awaits. We shift to human form as we approach, putting our arms up. Two scouts greet us, wariness in their eyes, both in their mid forties with salt and pepper in their beards.

My chest aches at the sight of them, the bonds weshouldhave stretching between us in the air, weak and thin. Their nature calls to my element, and I long to be their alpha.

"Who goes there?" One of them gestures at Torrid. "Is that you, old bastard?"

"Mountain Pack, and a friend." He shows his pack rune, and the others do the same. "We're here with news and aid."

"Your timing is excellent. Come on—you can be admitted inside. With an escort, of course."

The scout leads us up into the territory, leaving the other man behind to keep watch.

We're already higher in the elevation than it seems, nestled in the foothills. As we take the large metal elevator up to the carved path, then climb the stairs into the outer parts of the territory, the elevation climbs. Soon the air is thin, and the warriors I've taken with me are wide-eyed, unused to being so far off the earth.

But I exhilarate in it, loving the way we're soaring in the clouds even as we stand on the ground. My air powers feel so much stronger up here, vibrant and alive. I long to connect with the land and the pack and make it my own.

When we reach the inner parts of the territory, where homes and businesses are built into cliffs and caverns, an older warrior with hard eyes approaches us.

"Caleb, you know you're supposed to radio in advance with visitors."

"But Torrid–"

"Even visitors we know." He narrows his eyes at us, his face aged and lined. "What's your business here?"

Before any of the others can answer, I step forward, hold a hand out, and summon the wind.

As it whips around me, tearing plants from the cliffside and pushing warriors off their feet, I introduce myself.

"My name is Lucian," I call out, my voice carrying on the wind as I let it lift my feet off the ground, "though, if your people have kept up the stories I gave to you centuries ago, you'll know me as the Steward of the Sky. My people, my pack, I have come home to heal you."



Traveling in wolf form has gotten swifter now that I have my new wolf.

It feels odd, being able to keep up with the gods. Their forms are larger than me, shaggy and built, but I have speed on my side. The wind seems to almost dance beneath my paws as I follow Thale towards the mountaintops where Sky Pack awaits us.

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm something more than just an ordinary wolf who can strengthen bonds and influence others. Sometimes I can feel the magic of the gods around me, even when I haven't been invited into their channeling.

Almost as if I'm channeling the magic myself.

We've brought a small contingent of warriors with us, though kept most on pack lands. Lucian sent word in advance that Teller's army hasn't arrived yet. Worried it was some kind of trap, Thale made sure to let the coven know to keep the wards strong, and sent half a dozen warrior patrols out.

But Ali has come with us, using a traveling spell to keep up. She has a bundle of herbs and potion bottles strapped to her back, and seems bright-eyed and energetic.

Yesterday, I was afraid she'd burned herself out, and might never be the same again. Today, she glows with white energy and vibrates with excitement. It's as if the power she's drawn on has changed her already. Her eyes glow white just like the general's did.

It makes me wary, but I shake the feeling off. Ali is nothing like Teller. She won't let the ancient magic change her.

We meet escorts at the edge of the pack lands, who bring us on a meandering switchback path up the mountain. I can see how Sky Pack has gotten by for so long without human invasion or threats from vampires. Just getting to the heart of their lands is a journey all on its own.

The air grows thin the further up we go. A chill settles on my fur, and I'm thankful for its thick warmth. Just as I think we couldn't possibly go any higher, the path levels out, and we walk between two cliffs into a town built into the mountainside.

Buildings made of stone rise up out of the cliffs, surrounding more traditional, recently-built houses and strips built on flat land. The ground is rocky shale beneath our paws, and I spot goats along with yard chickens, but otherwise, it could be any other pack. There's even a Mating Circle rising into the cliffs on the far side of town, seven columns surrounding a single plinth.

I spot Lucian right away. He's in the town square, standing on a riser near a sculpted marble water fountain. Dozens of people surround him, looking up into his face as he gives some sort of speech.

As we move closer to him, I realize that he isn't standing on a riser. He's hovering above the ground, his wind powers keeping him afloat.