"Yes, they were," I grind out, "but shehasto be mated."
"No, she doesn't." Ali lifts her chin. "She has to be capable of protecting herself and fighting on her own.Thatis what will keep her safe."
"She wants to be mated. Shebegsfor it." I advance on the witch, frowning at her. "Surely you can figure out some way to start her heat, even if you didn't do it for Klaus."
Ali shakes her head. "There are ways—I'll admit as much. But I refuse to use magic like that on my best friend."
"Even if it's what she wants? What she would choose for herself?"
I see a quaver in the little witch's eyes, and she hesitates. Then, frowning, admits, "I don't know. For her, maybe. But as far as what you're asking, no. I won't make her go into her first heat so you can mate her."
"Fine," I snap, "but if he hurts her, it's on you."
"No it isn't. Mating her won't protect her, and we both know it. You just want to claim her first so the others can't have her, and I won't have a part in that. She'll go into heat in her own time, when she's ready, and from what I can see, she'll have allfourof you. Equally, even if one goes first, and she'll pick who that is. Not you."
Then she spins on her heel and stalks away, leaving me up a creek without a paddle and fuming.
By the time I make it back to the First Mate's house, making Rina go into heat is beside the question.
Because she's waiting outside in wolf form, ready to charge into battle, her eyes fierce and stubborn.
And she smells like an omega on the verge of heat, vulnerable to any violent alpha who picks up her scent trail.
The final vampire crumbles to dust beneath my claws, while around me, three other vamps are dusted by the blades of my wind attacks.
So far, we've found only stragglers in the Sky Pack foothills. It's been satisfying to take them out, but frustrating that we haven't found signs of the real army.
Teller had nearly a thousand soldiers, dozens of tanks, and hundreds of vampires on his side. Most of their forces were intact when heteleportedoff the battlefield, but we have no idea where they are now.
It can't be far away—teleportation is such a massive power drain that he wouldn't be able to pull that off. Hell, I don't know how he pulledthisoff, only that it worries me.
One of the warriors, Layla turns to me.What next?
Good question. I tell my small squad of six scouts,Stay put. I'm going to do some scouting of my own.
Shifting to human form, I leap into the air so I can scout below me.
Rising on the winds, I see very little beneath the tree canopy around us. Above me, the Sky Pack's home is visible, paths carved from the mountaintops and bridges forming between jagged cliffs. But below me, there isn't a single war tent, a visible tank, or anything other than the occasional whiff of vampire.
I summon my winds, having them swirl around the foothills and back to me, searching for a scent. A few humans stick out, some smelling of rations or tank oil, but not enough to be more than stragglers.
Maybe Teller didn't manage to get all his people when he teleported away.
Or maybe these are scouts for the Sky Pack, but he's hanging back for some reason. Either to attack Mountain Pack again, or to lick his wounds.
Either way, his loss is our gain. If the Sky Pack is without an alpha, now is the time to strike. Especially if they're about to "elect" a new leader—the last thing I want to do is try to overthrow them in the middle of turmoil.
Even though Caterina would rather we not kill the alphas, I have to admit, I'm willing to do it if I must. Not for the power of the pack and its wellspring, though the thought of having warriors to lead again fills me with longing. No, I would kill any alpha of any pack if it gave me the power to prevent her from ever being taken from us.
And as soon as I have that power, I'll use it to flay Klaus alive, then pass the half-deceased body over to my precious omega so she can finish him off herself. As painfully and as slowly as she chooses.
I land, shifting and telling my warriors,There are stragglers of the army around. Not a full invasion, but enough to make me wary.
Then let's make our presence known,one of the warriors, Torrid, responds.This is our sister pack. We should have a warm welcome in their midst.