"That's exactly what I plan to do, old man." Jostling his shoulder, I cut my eyes at him. "We're at war now, or haven't you noticed? This is a time for the fury of the flame."
He doesn't try to stop me as I summon my flames. They twine around me, a furious cape of angry energy. Striding out of the rubble, I head to the cliff's edge and pause.
The soldier I tortured for information told us the size of the army sent against our lands, but it takes seeing it to believe it. They've camped out on the other side of the river that bordered Mountain Pack's territory. Their war tents are staked into the grass, as permanent as can be.
Rows and rows of soldiers stand at the ready, awaiting their orders. Vampires swarm in loosely-packed covens at the rear, broad daylight beating down on them, protected either by magic or by drinking werewolf blood. And rolling into the camps are half a dozen tanks, setting up near long-range weapons I've never seen before.
They know that guns aren't enough to kill us. Our speed and super healing make us formidable enemies for their bullets and gunpowder. Which is why they've brought the vampires—just as fast, and lethal when hungry—as well as the magic.
What they didn't plan on is a god like me.
Roaring, I summon the full force of my flames, daring to draw on as much magic as I can without sparking the ire of the wellspring that feeds our abilities.
Throwing my hands out, I send my flames down against the enemy.
A flame starts up in the distance, licking up one of their tents, which sits perched in the middle of a battlefield crawling with vampires. There are screams as they swarm out of the tent, several soldiers on fire.
A cursing sergeant of some sort orders around a brigade of soldiers with shiny silver gauntlets on their hands. They grab buckets of water to throw on the fire, so I blaze it to full glory, spreading the flames to the valley they've set up camp in.
Even from here, I can smell the flames.
Especially when Lucian strides to the cliff's edge to join me and feeds my fire with his air.
The fire leaps from tent to tent, making the humans mill nervously and even the vampires shy away.
It isn't enough. Only complete destruction will be enough.
They've taken my precious, darling omega. For that, I will make them pay.
"Let's go," I tell the others. "I want to kill them all."
Lucian snaps, "Same."
"I would like to hold them beneath the ocean's waves and feel them choke on the water in their lungs," Everett declares in a calm, detached voice, "then let the fishes eat the flesh from their bodies until they're nothing but unidentifiable bones."
Thale steps up, his hands in fists, and throws his nature magic at the army. The trees I caught on fire rip their roots out of the ground and march through the camps, spreading further destruction.
For once in our long, long lives, we're in complete agreement.
My wolf form springs out of me, strong and agile. The other shift with me.
Throwing myself towards the battlefield, I feel my heart clench when I see that some of the invaders have made it all the way to the wellspring. My attack on the camp was just that—a single attack, on the place where they're resting, while they marched through our lands and past our protections.
The front line are bloodsucking, soulless vamps. Scum of the earth, vampires love nothing more than to drink werewolf blood. Our wards are meant to keep them out, but these vampires stink of magic, and they've managed to make it through.
This isn't good,Everett says through our telepathic bond.The wards should've help up better, but there's some kind of magic letting them in.
Though Alpha Morgan and his warriors are fighting back valiantly, the vampires are overwhelming his warriors—and they're backed up by armies of humans armed to the teeth with anti-werewolf devices.
I tell the others,Let's tear through them before they have a chance to attack.
A sound bomb goes off nearby that rings in my wolf's sensitive ears. I snarl, throwing a last of flame straight at the offender while at the same moment, Lucian grabs the bomb in a tendril of wind and throws it over enemy lines.
Let's go,Lucian snarls.
We tear through vamps, raking them with our claws and biting them with our teeth, while also using our powerful magic against them. Lucian throws them in the air and dashes them against the rocks. Thale buries them beneath the earth. Everett drowns them in pools of freezing water, drawing on the nearby river for his power.
I just burn them to ash. All vampires turn to ash when they die, but there's a certain sick satisfaction in making them die screaming as they burn to death. Many of them turn to ash at their extremities first, which means they get to see themselves die.