Once she's settled in the grass behind the coven, Rhea takes a look at her. I shift to my human form and kneel beside her, brushing my fingers against Ali's cheek.
"Is it burn out?"
"I don't think so—at least, not the advanced form." Rhea moves her hands over Ali's chest and stomach. "It seems to be a simple case of exhaustion. She used too much magic, but not enough to burn the channels inside her, or she wouldn't be able to accept my healing touch."
I watch as the glow of Rhea's hands shimmers across Ali's skin. The battle is still raging on behind us, but all I have eyes for are my best friend.
Teller will pay for what he's done to her.
Thankfully, after a several tense moments, Ali wakes up. She gasps, her eyes fluttering open, the irises no longer glowing white. I grab onto her hand and squeeze it tight, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"I thought I'd lost you."
"And I thought I'd lost you," Ali answers, smiling at me weakly. "I'm okay, though. So are you."
Rhea clears her throat, looking down at Ali with recrimination in her eyes. "What you did was very dangerous, young witch. Channeling all that ancient magic could've burned you out. You stillcouldburn out, so no magic use for at least a few hours, preferably a day or two."
"It was worth it," Ali insists in a weak, quiet voice. "It was all worth it to save my best friend."
My heartthudsagainst my chest. "I'll never get kidnapped again, I swear. The next would-be alpha who even tries will get my claws in his throat."
"I appreciate that, since I'm not sure I have another Hail Mary rescue attempt inside me."
"Which means you have to promise me," I grab her hand and squeeze, "promiseme that you won't burn out doing something stupid." Pausing, I amend to add, "Or something noble."
"I promise."
She holds up her free hand, pinky out. I hook my pinky around it, and we shake them, promising in the most unbreakable way imaginable.
"She'll be okay," Rhea reassures me. "Just a little rest is all."
That'll be easier once our territory is no longer under attack. Shifting to wolf form, I run out to join the warriors, who are making short work of the remaining vampires.
The gods, of course, are doing more than their fair share. Now that the vamps don't have Teller's shields to hide behind, they're able to bring the magic to them. Fire burns dozens at a time, while the earth opens up beneath them to swallow them whole. Air swirls around, lifting them into the sky and slamming them down again, and whips of water form ice picks or drown them alive.
It's invigorating to watch, even though I still resent the guys for everything they lied to me about. As I tear through a vampire's throat with more violence than needed, I admit to myself that I'm going to have to confront them. It's unpleasant, and I don't enjoy doing it, but it's time to put my big girl panties on and demand an apology from my four would-be mates.
Maybe a little groveling, too. It would help.
We make short work of the rest of the vampires. As soon as we're done, I leave the battlefield and shift to human form, words forming in my throat. I stride past my guys, motioning for them to join me in the remains of the mansion.
They do, following me inside its twisting, half-crumbled walls. Soon enough we're in the private recesses of the mansion's rooms—away from the prying ears of the pack, who won't follow us inside.
Spinning on my feet to face them, I observe their wariness and confusion. Adar looks like he thinks something sexy is going to go down, but Thale and Everett have kicked dog expressions on their faces. And Lucian is just uncertain, fiddling with his jacket sleeves like he doesn't know what we're doing here.
But they all chose to lie to me. It was a choice, I know that much. And a lie of omission is still a lie.
Stealing myself, I cross my arms over my chest and demand, "Why did you lie to me?"
"Iknow you want to take over the packs," she says, anger in her voice. "You planned on killing Alpha Morgan. Don't deny it—I heard you talk about it. If that evil bastard Klaus hadn't gotten to it first, you probably would be killing him right now."
Thale clears his throat, but I hold a hand up in front of him. I can sense Adar's frustration, Lucian's shame, and Thale's regret. But I knew that this moment would come, and I'm prepared for it.
"We never should have lied to you, Sweetness." I step forward, meeting Rina's direct stare and hoping that my regret shows in my voice and my face. "It was a mistake not to tell you our true intentions. We were afraid that you wouldn't understand. And we weren't even certain that we would go through with the plan—only that it might be our only option."