Well, fuck that, obviously. But the future he showed me was real, even if his solution to it is bullshit. Klaus, alive and in the flesh again, stroking my cheek with a filthy thumb, is proof of that.
And what he wants to do to me... I shudder at the thought. I've had alphas inside me now, have felt the fullness of their claim, and know just how painful and pleasurable an engorged knot can be. But those weremyalphas, my Everett and Lucian, who would never hurt me on purpose. The kind of mating that starts an omega's heat early isn't gentle, from all I've seen, or consensual in any way.
They'll come to save me, I know they will. Just as soon as they figure out where I am. I'll just have to delay this delusional fucker for as long as possible, and do my best to escape somewhere safe, to buy them time to find me.
Before he knots me. Before he does to me what the alpha in Teller's vision did to the helpless omega.
I can still hear her screams, echoing in my head. Can see the terror in her eyes—then, worse, the far-off glazed look after. Not only do Inotwant that to happen to me, I refuse to let it happen to her either, even if that means figuring out how to change the future.
Klaus is looking at me strangely. I've been quiet too long, thinking too obviously.
Clearing my throat, I murmur, "It's all just... so confusing."
"Of course it is, my dear." He tugs me against him, and I hold my breath, hating the stink of his scent brushing me. "Don't worry, Fern, my darling. Once I've knotted you and claimed you, everything will come rushing back, and it'll be like it always should've been from the start."
The urge to stab him with the brick is overwhelming, but I want to buy more time, just in case the guys are near, or other reinforcements.
"Will it hurt?"
"Undeniably. It will be agony for you... I have no doubt of that. But it must be done."
I blink at he looks down into my eyes, his hand coming up to press against my throat, his pupils black stars in a pale green sky. I'd expected him to make soothing noises and lie, but he didn't even bother—like he doesn't care if I like it or not.
His touch is gentle, his voice soft and babying, but his words contradict them both. Based on the eagerness in his face and the arousal I feel pressing against me, he'sexcitedto hurt me. Like he's dreamt of this very moment for centuries.
"I can understand your hesitancy," Klaus says, "but not to worry, baby girl. I'll take care of you after and dry your tears. And once you're bonded, you'll feel it all... every thought, every emotion that has brought me to you. Even after all these centuries, I still love you just as much. I woulddiefor you. Never forget that."
As he declares this, he presses his fingers against my throat, hard enough that my breath hitches. I gasp, scrambling instinctively for a mate bond that isn't there—because I haven't mated with the guys yet, haven't fully claimed them or let them knot me.
Instead, all I feel is the pack threads, still distant and quiet. I scream through them, yanking on them desperately for help. There's a quiver of a response, then silence—because the pack was still half-healed already, even before the attack.
The gods' conversation comes back to me. In order for them to have the power to fight back, they think they'll need to be alphas of the four packs in this region. Which would mean killing the current alphas, apparently, and taking over completely.
Moments ago, I would've told you that I'd fight that with all my being. As I stare up into the eyes of a madman determined to rape me, and reach for help that isn't there, I find that suddenly, I wish Mountain Pack had a stronger alpha. An alpha like one of the gods.
Reality isn't going to change, though, and I'm not going to just let this madman hold me down and have his way with me. As he draws me against him, pressing his arousal into my body, I bring the sliver of brick out from behind my back.
And I stab him straight in the neck, as hard as I can, hitting flesh and pushing straight towards the bone.
I've never known anger like this before.
"Where is she?" I crouch by the rubble, smelling her blood and fear, fury beating in my chest. "If that asshole killed her—"
"This is a teleportation spell." Everett, whose magic lets him get in touch with spells better than us, grinds fine dust from the ground in between his fingertips. "I haven't smelled one in ages, but there's no mistaking it. It's incredibly powerful and dangerous magic. He used it to bring Rina somewhere."
"I don't know yet."
I feel a fury in my chest like no other.
Flames come to me. They sprout from my fingers and dance in my hair. Stoking them and feeding them, I revel in their heat.
As I straighten up and stride through the remains of our mansion, Thale warns me, "Don't do anything rash."