Page 61 of His Sinful Need

Jack gives a little sigh. “It’s a shitshow,” he agrees, “but you know me. I like to keep busy.”

My heart lifts a little. Johnny Jacopo is well known in the LA underworld for his ability to ferret out information. Along with their Don’s offer of help…

The Castellanis seem to be falling all over themselves to help out, in fact.

I push away my twinge of suspicion. I saw how well-loved Max is in his Family. Of course they want to help their own—especially when it could mean impressing Anna-Vittoria. Sandro Castellani has been angling to make friends for a while now, just like he said himself back in his study.

“We need any help, we’ll let you know,” Max compromises. “Thanks for the ride, Jack.”

Jack gives us a lazy salute and we get out of his car, and back into my own, avoiding the iron-hard eyes of the guards at the door.

I want to ask Max what his Boss told him in those minutes he was alone in there with him, but it’s not my business. It’s Castellani business. Besides, I’ve got enough problems of my own without inviting trouble.

“Alright,” I say when we’re finally back on the freeway, my mind racing with possible strategies. “How are we doing this? Do we tell the crew what we’re looking for, or keep it quiet?”

Max considers for a moment. “I don’t like being underhanded. But the truth is, people clam up when they think they’re gonna be blamed for something.”

I feel a little sick at the idea. Not only investigate my own people, but pretend like I’m not? “They’re not stupid,” I point out. “Sooner or later, it’s going to occur to them that someone sold them out.”

“Sooner or later,” he agrees. “But we can try to make it later. They’re shellshocked right now—hell,weare, too. It’ll be a mercy to them to let them grieve a little before they understand why we’re asking the questions we’re asking.”

He has a point.

I also like the fact that he included himself as shellshocked.

“Okay,” I say. “That’ll be our approach for now. We should also look into PacSyn’s operations, don’t you think? Come in from the other side.”

“That’ll be tougher. But yes. We should try.”

My phone buzzes with an incoming text, and I glance down briefly to see a message:Nico is awake and he will recover completely. Relief washes over me, and I share the good news with Max.

“I need to see him.” They’re not just suspects to me, this crew. They’re my brothers and sisters, and they’re hurting.

“Mind if I tag along?”

“Of course not.” I steal a glance at Max as I take the turn-off to the hospital. Today has been almost as difficult as yesterday, and I’m glad he’s been with me. “Thank you,” I say. “For everything.”

“Not a problem.” It’s a brief, polite response, but I feel the weight behind it. It’s as though for Max Pedretti, there’s no other choice than to be honorable.

To have my back.

I like that.



The weatherin LA is unremarkable right up until it isn’t. The storm has been threatening all day, and the rain starts as we’re walking up to the hospital entrance, the reds and blues of the ambulances sliding across the wet pavement, across Bricker’s face, turning the view into some garish nightclub. When Bricker and I step inside, we’re swallowed up by the bustle of doctors and nurses striding to and fro, full of purpose. The stark overheads make everything jaundiced.

“Let’s check in at the desk,” I suggest, my eyes scanning the room out of habit. I’m checking for cops, but there are none.

Bricker was right. The Family handled it.

“Who first?” I say. “Giddy’s been awake longest. Might have gone over things in his own mind, have something to tell us.”

Bricker hesitates for a moment. “Okay,” he says at last. “Giddy first. Over here.” He leads me over to the receptionist. “Ma’am, can you tell us where Guido Tauriello’s room is?”

She glances at her computer screen and rattles off the directions, barely looking at us. We follow her instructions, navigating through the labyrinth of rooms and recovery wards, accompanied by the beeping of heart monitors and hushed conversations between families and medical staff.