Page 51 of His Sinful Need

I get it. Most of the time Ipreferit. And God knows why I feel okay about looking vulnerable around a Castellani, of all people.

But there’s something about Max that tells me it’s safe.

So I let him pull me over to the sofa and I sit there, huddled up, while I listen to Max calling the funeral home, and I breathe in the scent of all that blood.



When the funeralhome finally arrives, they take Rook’s body away with barely a word, except of condolences. They’re the people Anna-Vittoria has on retainer, and they’re used to this kind of thing.

Afterward, I stand in the middle of the living room and think about how just yesterday, the crew was here, joking and laughing.

“Bricker,” Max says. “Let’s get you home. Cleaned up.”

All I can do is look at him. Max picks up my jacket, the one I left here this morning before the heist, and puts it around my shoulders before feeling in the pocket for my keys. He guides me out of the house, into the car, and then he gets in the driver’s seat.

We get back to my house in silence. As we pull into the driveway, I finally turn to Max. “Listen. There’s something you need to know. Nico is…well, he’s Anna-Vittoria’s son.”

Max’s eyes widen, and he leans back in his seat, but he doesn’t say a word.

“And there’s more,” I go on raggedly. “Anna-Vittoria’s been suspicious for a while that PacSyn had turned someone in my crew. I didn’t want to hear it, told her no way. That’s why I was so pissed when she putyouon my team. I figured you’d either report back to her, or maybe she was prodding the beast, you know? Seeing what would happen if she threw a curveball. But…she must be right. You were right, too. You picked it, fast.”

Max listens intently as I lay it all out for him, his eyes never leaving mine. Then he puts his hand on mine, drawing my attention to him. “Bricker, you need to hear me,” Max says. “I am not, nor have I ever been, reporting back to anyone about you and your crew.”

“I know,” I say, taking a deep breath. “I guess I’ve always known that, even if I…” I look down at his hand on mine. “You risked your life today for all of us. Again. I know you’re trustworthy, despite...”

“Despite being a Castellani.”

I shock myself by smiling, just a tiny smile, a barely-there one. But still a smile. “Yeah.”

He smiles back.

I let my head fall back against the car seat. “You got any idea who it might be?” I ask helplessly. “Because I just can’t believe it of any of them.”

“I don’t know,” he says, with something that sounds like regret.

We’re quiet for another moment and then I say, “Thank you. For…” I have to stop before I break. If I break, I don’t think I’ll be able to put myself back together.

“You’re welcome,” he says.

I nod, not trusting myself to speak. Instead, I get out of the car and go into the house. “I’m home,” I tell it automatically.

And then I stand there, feeling like time has no meaning. What do I possibly do now? What could I possiblywantto do?

“Bricker,” Max says softly, shutting the door behind us. I turn to him. He reaches out for my face, cups it, and rests his forehead against mine. We stand there like that, breathing in tandem, and I let myself focus on that.

I’m breathing. I’m breathing still, as unfair as it is.

Max pulls back a little, then takes my hand. There’s an electric connection between us but I hate myself for feeling it. For entertaining anything—anything—after what happened today. But I can’t pull away.

I need this. I need the human contact.

I need…him.

“You’ve never lost someone, have you?” he asks. “Like this, I mean. One of your own.”

I shake my head slowly.