“Better late than never, right?” he says. “And I appreciate you looking after Bricker the way you have. He’s my best friend, and I’ll always l-love him.” I pretend not to notice the small stutter.
“I know he feels the same. And you’re a great second, Van. He needs your support just as much as mine.”
Van actually smiles at that. “By the way,” he says, dropping his voice, “just so you know, I’m…dating someone. Um. A guy.”
“Good for you. Hope he’s treating you right.”
“Actually, he’s amazing,” Van says, and I get a five minute monologue about the new love of his life. Bricker has already told me about this, the guy Van met on a dating app who’s been texting him regularly. Van, being Van, didn’t click until recently that this guy—Rob—was actually really into him.
But I let Van talk, let him tell me all about it while I stand there patiently with Bricker’s beer in my hand, dripping condensation over my fingers. I know what it’s like to have all those new relationship feelings inside. You can’t stop talking about the person, even when you try.
I’m hoping I’ll be able to restrain myself from talking about Bricker non-stop when I get back to Redwood. I’m due back Monday, and I’m looking forward to it—but in the meantime, I’m going to enjoy my last few hours with the Espositos.
“He sounds great,” I say at last to Van. “Lucky you. And lucky him.”
He cuts himself off with a laugh. “Sorry, man, I should let you get back to Bricker.” We both look over to him, where he’s talking to the Shadow and Nico, and Anna-Vittoria approaches them, too, as we watch.
Odd little family unit they make. But I’m glad Bricker has them. Fabi Soldano hasn’t bothered to reach out since we last saw him, and I don’t think he will.
And I also think that’s for the best.
Bricker seems to have come to terms, too. That’s all I want for him: his contentment.
“Enjoy the afternoon, Max,” Van says, clapping me on the shoulder before he disappears back into the crowd.
I make my way over to Bricker again, catching sight of the other crew members along the way. Giddy is laughing raucously at something Tank just said to him. I’m glad to see the brothers out together. Giddy’s recovered well, no lasting damage. Nico has run over to Honeybee, whirling her around in a hug that makes her blue hair stream out behind her.
“Ah, young love. Makes you feel alive, doesn’t it?” Jazz’s amused voice catches my attention, and I pause to smile back at her. She’s a lot happier these days, too, since the guys got out of the hospital.
“It’s nice to see,” I say, nodding at the kids. Nico steals a kiss from Honeybee, and then drags her off by the hand to one of the food stands.
“Yeah,” Jazz says. “It really is.” She watches them go with a look of satisfaction. “I hear you’re leaving us.”
“Not leaving so much as returning. But I’ll be around from time to time. It’s not a goodbye.”
“You make sure of that,” she tells me, and leaves me with a smile.
I finally get back to Bricker with his drink, and apologize for the wait. “Maestra,” I add, with a nod to Anna-Vittoria. “Nice ceremony.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” she says with a smile. Even she looks lighter today than usual, as though claiming her sons in front of the Family has allowed her to step into her power completely.
I’m glad she’s on our side. She’s as formidable as Sandro in her own way.
“Signor Pedretti,” she says. “Massimo. Will you walk with me a moment?”
I’m expecting adon’t you dare hurt my sonmoment as we step away from the crowd, though the Shadow follows a few feet away. Now that I know the two of them are together, I can see the signs more clearly—the way her whole face changes, softens, when she looks at him, which is why she tries not to look at him too often.
And when we start talking, she does start with her son—though not in the way I expected.
“I think you approve of my claiming Fabrizio and Niccolo today?” She pauses to allow me to nod. “And perhaps I should have done so before now. But I feared for them both, Massimo. I still do.”
“I’ll take care of Bricker,” I promise her. “And he’ll take care of Nico.”
“Yes, of course,” she says. “Do you know why I changed my mind about keeping them hidden? It was La Contessa.”
“Sandro’s mother?” I’m surprised enough that I stop walking for a moment, and she puts an arm through mine to pull me on.
“Yes. Alessandro’s mother. She advised me on her last visit that it would be better to cast my protection over them openly, since things here…” She gives a look around the gardens, so peaceful that it almost seems crazy to imagine anything else. But we both know the reality.