Page 127 of His Sinful Need

Gently, I rest a hand on his uninjured shoulder. “That can’t have been easy.”

“You know what’s really messed up? Part of me isrelieved. All my life I just wanted him to be proud of me. But now…” It’s a bittersweet smile, but it’s still a smile. “Now I don’t need it. I’ve got all the Family I need in the Espositos.” His eyes find mine, softening. “And I have you.”

Emotion clogs my throat up. I’m not used to it, but I swallow hard and rasp out, “You’re damn right you do.”

His smile turns sweet, chasing the last ghosts from his eyes. I lean in and kiss him fiercely, not giving a damn who might be watching. Bricker kisses me back just as hard, erasing all lingering hurt and doubt.

When we finally pull apart, Bricker’s shoulders fall back, like a weight is rolling off them. He reminds me of something for a moment, a sense of déjà vu rolling over me.

My younger self. That’s it: Bricker looks like my younger self, walking away from this joint and vowing to never go back.

He looksfree.

And we have no reasons left to hide the love between us.

Well…maybe one or two. Anna-Vittoria Esposito. And Sandro Castellani. But I’m done being cautious and I’m done wasting time. Mine’s running out, whether I like it or not, and I don’t want to waste another single second. First, though, I have other plans.

“Where now?” Bricker says, when we get in the car.

“We need to set up a meeting with your Maestra and my Boss,” I tell him. “Explain our…situation.”

Bricker sighs. “Yeah. I guess we should.”

“But first, let’s go home. I want to show you just how much I love you.”



Maxand I lie in bed together, our bodies still entwined and our breathing finally evening out after our marathon sex. My injured arm aches a little, but I barely notice it with the endorphin high still coursing through me.

“That was…” Max murmurs, trailing his fingers down my chest. His touch still sends little shivers through me.

“Yeah,” I agree with a grin, not even needing him to finish the sentence.

I study his face in the dim light, taking in every line and angle. This man who has challenged everything I thought I knew and turned my world upside down. Who stood by me every time, who saved my life every time, who had the patience to last through the whirlwind of all my bullshit…

And now, after the chaos and heartbreak, we finally found a way to each other.

But I keep wondering what Max will do if his Boss isn’t happy about things.

“What happens now?” I ask quietly.

Max’s expression grows serious, and he props himself up on one elbow to look at me. “Now? Now we figure out how to make this work. How to be together, despite the complications.”

Complications. That’s certainly one way to summarize the massive hurdles we’re potentially facing.

He’s lying in bed with a Capo from a rival Family.

I’ve taken an enemy envoy into my confidence…and my heart.

It goes against everything I’ve been taught my whole life. Family first.No outsiders. But I can’t make myself regret it. Not when it comes to Max.

“Easier said than done,” I point out. “It’s not like either of us can just switch Families.”

Or…can we?

“No, we can’t,” Max is saying. “Our vows prevent that. And even if they didn’t…well, like I said before. It’s complicated.”