“I promise,” I reply without hesitation.
This is more than just a job, more than just a mission. This is about loyalty—the foundation of any Family. I might be sworn to the Castellanis, but my heart…
Well, I just wish I knew what to do about that.
Bricker is silent the rest of the drive back to his house, and I take the opportunity to think about Sandro’s private words to me in his study, and hope like hell I made the right decision.
“You want to have aparley?” I’d repeated after him. I couldn’t stop the rising outrage in my tone. “WithbothBernardi factions?At Redwood?”
“That is an accurate summary, yes.” Sandro’s penchant for understatement usually made me smile.
Not this time.
Part of me wanted to call it quits with the Espositos then and there. Bernardi assholes tramping all over Redwood Manor? Both AJ and Gino on the estate at the same time—and Leo, too?
Not to mention Julian, who we all know is planning to kill AJ Bernardi, one way or another.
“All due respect, Boss,” I’d said, “you’re crazy.”
He’d laughed. Actually laughed. “Perhaps.”
“No way AJ Bernardi would go for it. He doesn’t have a death wish.”
“AJ Bernardi has already agreed,” Sandro told me softly. I could only stare at him. “No, I don’t think he has a death wish. I think he’s driven by vanity. Doesn’t want to look like a coward to his faction, not at this crucial time.”
“But surely he hasn’t agreed to letyoumediate?” It sounded much more derogatory than I’d intended, but Sandro knew at once what I meant. Sandro had been backing the younger brother Gino’s faction since the moment the Bernardi Family splintered.
“No, indeed,” he agreed. “In fact, I wondered if Anna-Vittoria might come and act as mediator. She is external to all our disputes. Do you think…?” He raised one eyebrow.
I thought it over for a moment before shaking my head. “She’s insular. This party trick she pulled with me—it’s not about making friends with the Castellanis. She needed me, and she was willing to compromise to do it. But I don’t think we can count on her for anything else. Besides, the Bernardis wouldn’t go for it. She’s trying to take down PacSyn, and they’re allies. For now, anyway.”
The Boss gave a sigh, like that was not what he wanted to hear. “AJ and Gino Bernardi have both suggested Tony Clemenza,” he said.
“Tony Clemenza?” I thought it over. “I can see their reasoning. He retired out here before the upheaval in New York with the Morellis, so he has less of an ax to grind with us, and although the Bernardis are a Clemenza offshoot, he’s got no personal ties. Plus from what I hear, he’s easily flattered. Likely to agree to it, if you ask him.”
Sandro nodded. “Have you heard anything else about him?”
“Yeah. I’ve heard he’s an asshole.”
“Can DeLuca handle him? Handle the parley?”
If I said no, Sandro would definitely pull me back in. And I was half inclined tolethim. Talk about stupid ideas. But I had to admit reluctantly, “DeLuca’s young, but he’s solid. Wouldn’t have picked him to sub in for me otherwise. But Boss…if you really need me…”
“I will not ask you to act against your honor, Pedretti. I see this thing with the Espositos has become such a matter, so put your mind at ease. Take the time you need and trust us to handle the Bernardis in your absence.”
And driving along now with Bricker, I’m glad the Boss let me go again. My mind goes back to Anna-Vittoria’s odd way of putting it, that Bricker needs someplace soft to land.
I like the idea of it. Being that soft place.
* * *
As we head back into Bricker’s house, he seems to almost stumble inside, and I move to grab him. The past few days are catching up with him.
He holds up a hand. “I’m good.” But then he sags against the wall, chest heaving with ragged breaths. His hands tremble at his sides, knuckles white.
“Yeah, you’re not good.”
“Just…gimme a minute,” he mumbles. “I’m home,” he says more loudly, and the house comes alive.