It wasn’t hard to find him. After Charlie told me to go, I went, even though I really didn’t want to. I had nowhere else to go, so that first night, I basically camped in the woods, far away from the treehouse, so she’d think I left.

I’d been pissed. Yeah, obviously. I didn’t think she’d tell me to leave right after that. I mean, we both couldn’t sleep, and then we’d come together and… you know. That shit was romance movie material.

But this wasn’t a romance. How could it be when I was a goddamned serial killer and she had a stalker she wanted me to kill for her? We weren’t the right characters for a romance. She and I, we just didn’t make sense together.

Sunday had involved me trying to find a place to say—there weren’t really any motels in the area, and I didn’t have any cash on me, so that kind of limited my capabilities. I had to steal food from a grocery store to eat. Not too proud of that.

But, back to what I was saying before. It wasn’t hard to find him. I remembered when he’d stumbled upon Charlie that day, so I waited there. Had my glasses on, sat on a bench, and waited for him to pass by.

I was pretty sure he had a car. My plan was simple: kill him, steal his wallet and his keys, and get the hell out of here. Go to my secret stash, grab it, and finish the business with the Montgomery girl. If I managed to survive, I’d then get the hell out of dodge.

Where would I go? I didn’t know. Somewhere quiet. Maybe the mountains. Maybe just a small town. Maybe the best of both worlds: a small town in the mountains.

It was truly amazing how well you could blend in to a college campus without even trying. Wearing a hoodie and sunglasses meant I blended in with about half of the students—and looked better than the other half. It was Monday, so a lot were showing up in their pajamas, going to class while looking like they’d just rolled out of bed.

I waited, playing the stalking game. Campus had phone charging stations, cords and everything, so my phone was fully charged. I kept checking the time on it—although, if I was honest with myself, I also checked it so much to see if she’d called.

A part of me thought she would, that I’d get a call from her telling me she made a mistake and that she wanted me to come back, that she never should’ve told me to leave. That same part thought she’d apologize or something—something stupid like that.

Charlie had nothing to apologize for. She was obviously broken. She wasn’t strong. It wasn’t on her to keep a respectable distance between us. That had been on me, and I’d failed miserably.

I thought I’d done my best to quash whatever feelings had started to rise within me when it came to Charlie Mulanie, but apparently I hadn’t done enough, because that night… damn it, we didn’t fuck. We made love, as cheesy as sounded—and it sounded cheesy as fuck.

And the worst part of it all was the way I couldn’t get any of it out of my head, even as I sat there, waiting for my target.

The sounds she made. The way her small, frail body felt beneath mine. How she’d rocked when she was on top of me. How easily my arms cradled her against me. Every little thing, every light touch of skin, every hard thrust… it was still so vivid in my head.

I’d never be able to get that girl out of my head for the rest of my life. I knew it, and I hated it. I hated the fact that, in spite of my attempts to the contrary, Charlie and those big brown eyes of hers had found themselves buried deep in my black heart.

Okay, okay, fine. I didn’t really hate it. I hated it as much as I could, which was to say, not very much at all.

A familiar face walking by snapped me into reality, and I got up the moment I saw his stupid face pass. Target acquired. Now to keep tailing him until he was alone, until I could kill him without drawing too much attention to myself.

I got up, stuffed my hands into my hoodie pocket, and followed him.

As far as I was concerned, I was also doing Charlie a favor. I was pretty sure Zak was her stalker. It was obvious he wanted to get back with her. Maybe he’d turned to stalking right after they broke up because Charlie had made it clear she wouldn’t take him back. It was, in my opinion, the most likely situation.

I walked after him, following Zak through campus. He didn’t go to get lunch at the main building smack dab in the center of it all—that must’ve been something special he’d done with Charlie after running into her.

Where was he going? To his next class? It wouldn’t matter. I’d wait for him, for the right moment, as long as it took. But, as I found out shortly, it was my lucky day.

What would you know, he headed to that same house we’d gone to a party at. I didn’t know if that meant he lived there or not, but the houses on this street were older, and though they were close together, they were large enough to have a good, private space in between them—perfect for a little murder. A good place to leave his body once I was done with it.

He turned onto the concrete path that led to the front door of the house. Zak was about fifteen feet ahead of me, and I threw a quick glimpse around before calling out, “Zak! Hey, man, wait up.”

Zak’s feet stopped seconds before they touched the front porch of the house, and he was slow to turn around and face me, a quizzical look on his face. His light eyes narrowed as he studied me, slow to walk toward me. He had a bad slung over his shoulder; I could see how tense he was by how hard he gripped the strap.

“I’m sorry, do I—” Zak was going to ask if he knew me, but as he got closer, he must have recognized me, because his confused expression morphed into a hard glare. “You’re Charlie’s boyfriend.” Just by the way he said it, I could tell he was jealous.

Or maybe that’s what I wanted to hear, because if he was jealous, it’d make killing him that much sweeter.

“Yeah,” I spoke with a nod. “Is there any way we can talk? It’s about Charlie, actually.”

“What about her? Is she okay?”

I gestured for him to follow me. I walked around the house, saying, “She’d kill me if she knew I was here, but you obviously still care about her, so I think you deserve to know.” Saying something like that would hook him, and his curiosity would make him come around the side of the house with me.

Zak was too curious for his own good. He followed me, a worried look on his face. “What’s going on? Did something happen?”