Claire let out a sigh that mirrored mine. “Well, I guess that’s all that matters. But seriously, be careful with him. Older men always have baggage.”

Ain’t that the truth.

Claire and I rejoined everyone outside. They’d moved away from the picnic table now that dinner was over, lounging around in old wicker chairs. Tyler was talking about whatever website the company he worked for was currently making, and my parents were eager to listen. Claire sat down next to him and smiled at him, her love for him written on her face.

I took the chair next to Brett, and he reached over and took my hand in his, squeezing it once as he tossed me a grin. My first instinct was to yank my hand away from him, but with the knowledge that my parents and sister were less than ten feet away, I willed myself to let it be.

He didn’t let go of my hand after that; he kept holding it, even as he turned his head toward Tyler. His thumb ran over my knuckles slowly, absentmindedly, a gesture that might be natural to some people, but to me, it was anything but.

Zak had held my hand before, but it never made me feel like this. Like I wanted to squirm. Like my skin was on fire. Like I wanted to both inch closer to Brett and pull away from him at the same time.

The day gave way to twilight, and Claire and Tyler had to leave. They lived forty minutes away, and Claire had a shift in the morning. We walked them to the driveway, where we all exchanged hugs and another round of congratulations, and then we waved them off.

Brett stood near me, his blue gaze traveling along me as he said, “I should probably head home too.” I swear that gaze of his dropped to my mouth, like he wanted to kiss me, even though both my parents were watching.

“I could drive you home?” I offered, mostly so my parents couldn’t say anything.

“No, I like the exercise.” Brett turned toward my parents, adding with a charming smile, “It was nice to finally meet you.” I didn’t think either of my parents noticed how hollow his smile was.

“Of course, Ian, it was so nice to meet you too,” my mom crooned, giving him a hug. “I’m so happy Charlie’s dating again.” When she released him, she tossed me a look and added under her breath, “I was worried she never would after how bad her last breakup was, but I’m sure she’s told you all about that.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I muttered dryly.

All my dad did was harrumph and say, “I’ve got my eye on you, Ian. Don’t hurt my baby girl.”

Mom hooked her arm through Dad’s and started pulling him toward the house. “All right, all right. Enough of that. Let’s go inside and let these two say their goodbyes.” I could tell Dad didn’t want to go, but he let her lead him up the front steps and into the house, where they disappeared.

Brett and I moseyed to the end of the driveway, near the sidewalk. The sky above our heads was a portrait of pinks and oranges, a pretty sight, but I couldn’t take my eyes off his face. He still wore that smile that swayed the world, but its strength had lessened somewhat.

I guess, in a way, his smiles weren’t that bad. Fake, yes, but still objectively handsome.

“I’m still mad at you for coming,” I told him, meaning it.

“Oh, come on. You’re not that mad.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his sunglasses, tapping them on the side of his leg. “I do think we should kiss goodbye, just in case someone’s watching.”

“Right,” I whispered, glancing around us, as if my stalker was somewhere near, huddling in the growing shadows. “He could be close.”

“I was talking about your parents inside the house, but that, too.”

I smacked his arm, and he laughed. “I can’t even with you.”

“Au contraire, sweetheart, you definitely can.”

Before I was able to say another word, Brett’s arm lifted and curled around my back, pulling me closer to him. His impossibly tall frame leaned down, much as it had the night he’d first pretended to be my boyfriend in front of Zak, and his lips pressed against mine.

This time I was expecting it. This time I knew exactly what his lips were going to feel like against mine. This time… this time my eyes closed on their own and I kissed him back.

And it was over just like that. A fast kiss, more a peck than anything else. Just a goodbye between two people who were seeing each other—or, at least, that’s what it’d look like to the outside world.

When he pulled his mouth off mine and straightened himself out, I had to push down the disappointment swelling inside me. For whatever stupid reason, I’d wanted that kiss to last just a bit longer.

“Good night, Charlie,” Brett murmured. His eyes lingered on me for a few more seconds before he slipped on his sunglasses and turned to walk away.

I watched him go, a strange feeling constricting inside. My heart? Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. This was dangerous territory. Nothing good could ever come from crushing on Brett Banks. “Bye,” I whispered, mostly to myself, since he was already twenty feet away.

My feet turned me around and took me to the house, where my parents waited for me in the living room. They sat next to each other on the couch, neither one of them saying a word. I could see the questions in their gazes, and that was why I spoke first.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Ian,” I said after mentally reminding myself of the name he’d chosen.