Those eyes shifted off me, moving to land on someone who was beside me, someone I hadn’t noticed until now. “Who’s this?” Zak’s voice grew irritated and irate, and he sounded completely unlike himself.

A strong arm draped itself around my shoulders as the newcomer pulled me into him. “I’m her boyfriend, so why don’t you get the fuck out of here before I kill you, hmm? She’s mine.” Spoken so confidently, but the most peculiar thing was I didn’t remember having a boyfriend.

Zak disappeared. He didn’t walk away. He just vanished the moment I angled my head up at the man holding onto me.

Brett wore his signature smirk, devilish and cold, even as he stared down at me. The arm he had around my shoulders fell to my back, and he turned his body slightly so that he could pull me tighter against him. The way his muscular arms wrapped around me, locking me in place, told me I wouldn’t be able to escape him. Not now, not ever.

Was it wrong that I didn’t want to? Run from him, I mean. Brett was everything every normal person should hate and revile, and yet I felt the opposite of unsafe when I was near him.

With his one arm locked around me, he lifted his other hand and gently swept the back of his fingers across my cheek, igniting a flutter of butterflies in my stomach. The way he gazed down at me, his blue eyes half-lidded, told me everything.

“You’re mine now,” Brett murmured, his voice so achingly low I could feel it in my core.

My breath caught in the back of my throat. I was trapped, and for the first time, I think I liked being trapped. I closed my eyes when I saw his tall figure bend down, and then he pressed his lips against mine.

The kiss was fire and ice, hot and cold, right and wrong. It made the butterflies in my stomach disburse all throughout my body, lighting up every inch of my skin in longing. It wasn’t the kind of kiss you could fight, almost like it was destiny.

We were destiny.

I breathed him in and I kissed him back. I did everything I shouldn’t, and maybe that’s why, when Brett finally pulled his mouth off mine, I saw we were in my bedroom. “Brett,” I whispered his name, wanting to tell him more but unable to, for whatever reason.

“I know,” he told me, and it was over after that.

And by over, I meant he helped me out of my clothes, and then I helped him out of his. He was lean and tall, muscled in every way that counted, but I didn’t have time to relish in the way he looked, because as soon as he was naked, he scooped me up and deposited me on my bed. He crawled over me, shadows passing across his handsome features.

I didn’t feel ashamed. I didn’t feel scared. I didn’t care about the scars on me—and neither did he. The way he looked at me, his pupils dilated in what I could only call hunger, made me feel complete, and that was something I hadn’t felt in a long, long time.

Brett smirked, and though that smirk of his hadn’t changed a bit, I no longer cared that it didn’t reach his eyes. I didn’t care one bit, nor did I want to correct him when he said, “You’re all mine now, sweetheart.”

I couldn’t take the waiting any longer, so I leaned my head up and pressed my lips against his, kissing him again. As his mouth ravaged mine, as the heat slowly spread through my body, emanating from my core, he spread my legs.

I couldn’t think about Zak or the past; I couldn’t think of anything, not even when he tore his mouth off mine to position himself.

And then—

I woke up.

I…woke up, because it was nothing more than a freakingdream.

My breathing was as hard as it had been in the dream, certain parts of my body on fire, almost like I’d really kissed him, like I’d really surrendered to him and everything he was… like I wanted him to take me.

As I lay there in bed, trying to get a grip on myself, it hit me. Oh, God. Oh, my God.

I had a sex dream about a serial killer.

I wanted him so badly, I could taste it. Even now, being awake, my body buzzed with the high of being with someone I craved more than air itself—and that was a feeling I hadn’t had since Zak.

I lost myself easily, because sometimes it was better to pretend you were someone else, somewhere else, than remain rooted in reality. Zak had helped me escape the hard truth of it all, and that’s what had made me fall for him so hard.

Brett wasn’t like that. He wasn’t a normal, cute boy next door. He was a literal serial killer, with blood on his hands, and I’d helped him recover, helped him coast under law enforcement’s radar, all because I wanted him to kill someone for me, because I wasn’t strong enough to do it myself.

He wasn’t nice. He was a bad man, one of the worst out there. I shouldn’t like him one bit, shouldn’t think about that kiss or how his hand had felt on my hip. I shouldn’t have any ounce of feelings for the guy, and I definitely shouldn’t dream about him.

Zak was an escape. Brett was harsh reality, and in my experience, reality was never fun. It hurt you, made you wish you were dead. It made you think the world would be a better place if you weren’t in it. How else could you ever explain away the fact that no one else saw the truth?

A knock on my door alerted me to someone’s presence in the hall, and my mom’s voice followed shortly, “Charlie, don’t forget your sister and Tyler are coming over later. Whenever you can, your father and I would really appreciate your help cleaning.”

I let out a sigh. “I’m getting up now, Mom.”