Page 13 of Bloody Desecration

So I didn’t answer, but he didn’t seem to care, for he kept talking, “Do they make you feel as good as I do? Do they make sure you come?”

The way he rubbed my clit was damn near torture. It took everything in me to nod and give him an answer. Well, sometimes Gareth didn’t, but that was when he was angry and trying to force me to submit to him. With Alistair, it came so easily. Effortlessly, you might say.

“Good,” he murmured, nodding along. His fucking of my core had slowed. He wasn’t as rough with me as he’d been in the beginning, and I didn’t know if that was because he wanted to make himself last as long as possible or for another reason. “I’d have to have words with them if they didn’t. You deserve all the pleasure in the world, Brianna. You deserve everything you want and more.”

I could feel myself inching closer to the edge, metaphorically speaking. I hoped he didn’t expect me to say anything more, because there was no way I could. All that would come from me right now would be incoherent sounds.

“Do you care for them?”

Closing my eyes, I nodded.

“Hold it,” Alistair said, instructing me not to come… for whatever reason. “Don’t come again, not yet.” The rubbing of my clit slowed, which helped stave it off. “You’ll come again when I come, understand?” Like he was trying to train my body to react to his, to his words and his commands, to the way his cock pumped in and out of me—and it was working.

He pulled his hand off my clit, and he held himself over me using both arms on the side of my head. The rhythm of his hips intensified, causing my body to sway. I held onto him like he was my lifeline, unable to fill my lungs completely.

We locked eyes, and for the first time, I could see in the depths of that cold azure stare how he was struggling to hold back. The mental fortitude it had taken for him to wait this long to come had to be some kind of record. He gave me a short nod, and then his thrusting turned erratic, his hips bearing down on me hard.

The orgasm that had built up earlier came to pass, enveloping me in its sweet, erotic embrace the very same moment Alistair filled my ears with an earth-shattering moan. His cock twitched inside me, letting loose wave after wave of cum while my body tensed up and rode the final explosive orgasm. We came together, just as he’d wanted, and when it was over, a sudden exhaustiveness filled me.

“Good girl,” Alistair crooned, running a hand along my damp hair before pulling himself out of me. He rolled onto his back beside me and stuffed himself away, and he fixed his belt shortly after. I curled toward him and nuzzled against his side, and he wrapped an arm around me, holding me close.

I didn’t want to move. I couldn’t. This was right where I was meant to be—even if this particular room smelled nasty and old, like the sheets hadn’t been washed well in months, if not years.

I didn’t care where we were, though. I only cared about being with him.

And the others, but the others weren’t here yet, and I didn’t think I was ready to wrestle with my feelings for them while also seeing them together, in the same room.

As I lay against Alistair, closing my eyes, I wondered if you could be in love with more than one person at the same time. If your heart could be pulled in multiple directions simultaneously. Society would have you believe being in love with more than one person was wrong… but how could love be wrong? If that’s what you wanted, denying it would only be lying to yourself and everyone else.

Although, honestly, the possibility of being in love with three separate men who were freaking psychopaths and serial killers wasn’t something I should be worrying about right now. No, what I should worry about was what had happened to bring Alistair and me to this shitty motel room.

I’d been wrestling with it ever since coming to Eastcreek, ever since Gareth had tried to open my eyes. My art was an outlet, it had kept me from getting into trouble, kept me from doing things I shouldn’t.

Now that I’d tasted blood, now that I’d felt how skin puckered and separated when you cut into it… I couldn’t help but worry that I’d never dream of anything else again.

Chapter Three – Brianna

I must’ve fallen asleep sometime after Alistair and I finished, because the next thing I knew, I was waking up, alone in the bed, the sheet having been pulled up and over me to shield the room from my naked body. No sounds came from the bathroom, so I rolled over and saw the door to the motel room cracked open, the early evening’s light coming in through the crack. Two voices were mumbling something outside, but I couldn’t discern a thing.

I slowly sat up, stretching and yawning. My head felt better. My whole body did, actually. I didn’t feel slow at all, so whatever Neo had given me must’ve completely worn off by now. I couldn’t see what time it was, since this motel didn’t have a working alarm clock on the nightstand.

The conversation outside tapered off, and I expected Alistair to come back in the room, but the person who strolled in, carrying a duffle bag, was Gareth. Behind his glasses, his green eyes spotted me immediately, and he sent me a devilish smirk as he closed the door with his foot.

“My uncle said you were sleeping,” he spoke, sounding amused. He flicked the lock on the door and did the chain before strolling over to the bed and setting the duffle bag down beside me. “At first, I assumed it was because of the drugs Neo apparently gave you, but now that I see you… well, let’s just say it’s obvious.”

“What’s obvious?” I asked. The blanket covered my naked chest, so he couldn’t see my body. The only things he could see were my face, my arms… and my hair.


I reached up to find a bird’s nest, and Gareth was slow to sit on the bed next to the bag. His stare told me he wasn’t impressed, but at least he was staying relatively calm about it, which was more than I could’ve said about him in the past.

“You’re not,” I paused, not wanting to anger him but still having to ask, “upset?”

“And why would I be upset that my uncle fucked you, hmm? You’re apparently uncle-nip—like catnip, but for uncles. They just can’t help themselves around you.” He ground his jaw. “Or would I be upset because you told me you belonged to me, and yet you’re spreading your legs for my uncles every chance you get?”

He gave me a pointed look. “Shall I keep going? Because I can.” To say he sounded a little bitter would be an understatement, but I’d take bitter over pissed off, given the rest of the day’s events.

I let out a sigh. “So, you’re not going to try to kill Alistair like you went after Rick?” I hadn’t even seen Rick since their little tiff, besides at the house—and since I’d been a little out of my mind, I wasn’t counting it. I had no clue how bad the attempted murder was.