Page 48 of Bloody Desecration

Dinner could wait.

The moment I saw some of my cum ooze out of her pussy, my cock threatened to stir again, like it wanted to go for round three—and it probably could. However, if she had any hope of walking tomorrow, we needed to end this little fucking session right now, otherwise there was no hope.

And right now, we needed hope. Hope, and a whole lot of luck.

Chapter Sixteen – Brianna

A candlelight vigil was all the town of Eastcreek could do, since Erin’s and her parents’ bodies were still considered evidence. And once they weren’t and their bodies were released… I didn’t know who would claim them. If no one did, Alistair said they’d get sent away to be cremated on the state’s dollar.

Alistair got the vigil rolling behind closed doors, though his name wasn’t attached to any of it. It was being held in the football field at the high school. Kaity messaged me and asked if I was going. She, Angelina, and Cherith all were, and they were going together. She wanted to know if I wanted to come with them. She’d pick me up if I did.

So, since the vigil was the current plan to catch Brett, I said yes, and then I gave her my address and told her to text me when she was here.

The vigil wasn’t until sundown, and since there was no school and no Gareth, it was a long day. I didn’t talk to Rick at all, and when I asked Alistair how Gareth was doing, all he told me was that he was fine. No details. No proof to show me that Gareth really was fine, that he wasn’t rotting away in jail while waiting for our plan to come to fruition.

As the hours wore on, I half expected Brett to call and taunt me. He had to have seen Gareth being taken out of here in the back of Rick’s cruiser. I bet he was feeling real good about that.

But no call. Nothing at all from Brett.

Honestly, I worried Alistair’s plan wouldn’t work. What if, since Alistair and Rick weren’t going to the vigil, Brett decided to try to grab one of them instead of me? What would we do then? There’d be no going back to his hideout, no finding out what his long-term goals were. Alistair and Rick would have to do everything to defend themselves against him. They’d have to kill him, and then… then what?

I tried not to think about it too much. I spent most of the day in my studio, trying to draw and paint, but it was like I was so stressed out, all of my creativity had been drained from me.

A situation like this was unlike anything I’d ever seen, and I didn’t know how it would end. I knew how Alistairwantedit to end, but sometimes it didn’t matter how badly you wanted something. Sometimes things were never in the cards.

Around four in the afternoon, I started to get ready. I showered, dried my hair, styled it, and then did a little makeup. Not too much. I went for a mostly bare-faced look, a nude matte lipgloss and some mascara. Nothing too extravagant. This was a vigil for my dead friend and her family, not a wedding.

I chose a long-sleeved black shirt with black leggings, pairing the outfit with studded boots. The days were warm, but since it was still spring, the nights were considerably cooler.

Once I was dressed and ready to go, I visited Alistair in his office. He’d been locked away in there all day, making constant calls and sounding very business-like, if a little cold. But that’s the normal Alistair Montgomery, the mask he wore around everyone else. His family were the only people who got glimpses of the real Alistair… and I was a part of that family now.

I knocked before walking in to find Alistair sitting at his desk, his phone resting just before him and one of his hands running along the side of his face. His normally icy blue eyes lifted to me when I walked in, and he appraised me without being asked: “You look good. Perfect for the vigil.”

I hadn’t eaten dinner. Hell, I’d skipped lunch, too. Eating today felt like a chore, so I decided not to. The sad thing was, I wasn’t even hungry. “Is everything ready?” I didn’t know how to phrase the question, so I left it at that.

“Everything is as ready as it will ever be,” Alistair said, slow to lean back in his high-backed leather chair and fold his hands over his lap. “I’m sorry I won’t be able to be there tonight, but I think, after witnessing what you’re capable of, you can do this.”

What I was capable of. I tried hard not to think about what I did to Neo, how I might’ve been a little drugged-up and maybe that had helped me move past my inhibitions, but being around these guys made it harder and harder to justify.

Impossible, really, because the way I dug into Neo, how I played with his corpse like he was a toy wasn’t something you could ever justify. Even now, I didn’t feel guilty over what I’d done—I felt a teensy, weensy bit of guilt fornotfeeling guilty, ironically, but that was it.

So, yeah, I guess I was capable of a lot. Being bait, in the grand scheme of things, was an easy job, but if push came to shove and I had to take matters into my own hands, I could.

“I know,” I whispered. “I just… I want this all to be over.”

He nodded with me, agreeing, “Me, too.”

“Kaity’s coming soon. She, uh, wants to get there early to help set everything up.” He didn’t say anything to that, so I turned to leave his office, to head downstairs and wait for Kaity to get here. She hadn’t messaged that she was leaving yet, but given the time, I’d say I wouldn’t have to wait too long.

But before I left, Alistair called out, “You’ll be fine, Brianna, I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

I threw a look over my shoulder at him, breathing in before letting out a soft sigh. All I said to that was, “I know,” and then I left the office and went downstairs.

Alistair wouldn’t let anything happen to me. I believed him. I trusted him, as stupid as that might sound. He was a monster whose job it was to protect his family by any means necessary. A monster who put family above all else. I never met a monster quite like that before, but then again, before coming here, I didn’t really get out much.

I waited for Kaity’s text while pacing the front hall, and when I got her text that said she’d be here in ten minutes, the nerves were almost too much. I wasn’t nervous that Brett would come for me, take me, bring me to a secondary location or anything like that. No, I was much more worried he’d try to go after Alistair or Rick while everyone else was busy at the vigil. Really, it’d be the perfect fake-out. Alistair was so certain he’d come for me next… but what if he didn’t?

Ten minutes felt like an hour, and by the time I saw Kaity’s car pulling up to the house, I had to take a moment to steady myself, calm myself down, and then I pushed outside, into the dying daylight, and made a beeline toward her car.