Page 40 of Bloody Desecration

Maybe I was worse, living a life full of delusions and false ideas of my sense of self. Gareth, at least, knew who he was: unrepentantly vile and vicious, a demon among men, a false god if ever there was one.

And what did that make me, other than a fool ready and willing to worship at his altar?

With a glance at Gareth, I found he was no longer alone. Two others had joined him, two others who were just like Gareth, just as cruel and manipulative… two other false gods. Rick and Alistair.

But false gods or not, they were mine.

Gareth was right. Whether or not I went along for the ride, the big finish would happen, so I might as well see it through until the end.

My eyes returned to Neo’s, taking in his grotesque face. I flipped the switchblade around, lifting it and bringing it to his chest. I didn’t hesitate; I slammed the switchblade down in the center of his chest, between his rib cage. The sharp metal slid into him with no resistance at all, and all Neo did in response was gurgle up some blood. The red stuff seeped out of the right corner of his mouth, marring the side of his face that could still be considered handsome.

Neo went slack after that, but it didn’t matter. I cut into him all the same, dragging the switchblade down his chest, right in the middle. It wasn’t an easy cut, but I was tenacious.

I’d see this through. It was that or give up, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to give up.

I woke with a start, breathing in a gasp as my eyes opened. It took me a few moments, but I realized the dream hadn’t ended on its own; I’d been woken up by someone sneaking into my bedroom in the middle of the night.

That same someone was now above me, his body rocking against mine. My skin was warm, and as the seconds ticked by, I became adjusted to the fact that my pajama shorts had been slipped off and my thighs spread. His cock currently pumped in and out of me, and my body rocked along with his rhythm.

“Gareth,” I whispered out his name, breathless even though I’d just woken up.

Gareth didn’t have his glasses on, I could tell by the way he nuzzled his face against my neck. “I couldn’t sleep,” he murmured, “so I thought I should come in here and tire myself out a bit. I have to admit, you’re more awake than I thought you’d be. Usually you stay half asleep.”

“You’re such an ass,” I told him. If I wasn’t so sleepy, I’d have half a mind to hit him and try to get him off me, just to teach him a lesson. However, I was awake enough to know that probably wouldn’t work. If Gareth wanted me, he’d find a way to have me, whether I was conscious or not. “You could’ve woken me up first.”

“Now where’s the fun in that?” He thrust his hips against me so hard I cried out, my head rolling back against my pillow. “Don’t get me wrong, it is still fun, but nowhere near as fun as fucking you while you’re sound asleep.” He nipped at my jaw, grabbed my wrists and held them over my head. “I do like it when you fight me, though. Do me a favor and struggle for me a little.”

In spite of it all, I laughed, even as my whole body shook from the force of his fucking, even as he continued to hold my wrists above my head. “I hate you,” I whispered.

That got Gareth to smirk and bring his mouth to mine. “No, you don’t.” His lips pressed against mine, kissing away anything else I might’ve said, fierce and unapologetic in their affection.

But that was just like him. Everything about him, everything he was, he made no apologies for. I hated him for it, at first, hated everything about him, and then… then things had started to change. I couldn’t pinpoint an exact time. If you held a gun to my head and demanded to know when I’d started to feel more than hatred toward my new stepbrother, you’d have to pull the trigger, because I wouldn’t be able to tell you.

Some people knew, but those people probably didn’t have the same kind of relationship we did. No, the only people who might understand were the other two men who’d found their way into my head, into my body… into my heart.

Gareth kissed me hard, his thrusting growing softer, gentler, so very unlike him. Maybe, now that I was awake, he wanted to make it last. He’d started this bout of fucking while I was asleep, but now he’d have to finish while I was very much awake.

I kissed him back. I tugged at my wrists, wanting to get them free, but Gareth wouldn’t release them, so kissing him back was all I could do as he pumped that hard cock in and out of me.

It was then I knew. I might not be normal. I might not be completely sane, but it didn’t matter. Like called to like, and somehow, in the midst of it all, I’d found the place I was always meant to be. Come hell or high water, I would never lay down and give it up. If Brett wanted to hurt me, he’d have to tear this life and the people in it through my cold, dead hands.

Gareth pulled his mouth off mine, his hips undulating in a way that made me moan. He ate up the sound and moaned in return, and for a while, we were trapped like that, both of us lost in the heat of the moment, with nothing but the darkness at our sides. We were lost in the other, so lost there was no way out.

“You’re mine, Bri,” Gareth murmured, his lips grazing my cheek. “You’re fucking mine.” It was a statement he liked repeating while he was inside of me, as if he half-expected me to argue with him.

I couldn’t, even if, if you got down to it, I belonged to more than just him.

His body slammed down on mine the same second a loud groan rattled from his chest, and Gareth tensed over me, his frame a thousand pounds all of a sudden. He came inside me with short bursts of his cock, a slave to the pleasure coursing through him at that very moment. Only then did his grip loosen enough on my wrists that I could have control of them once again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his sweaty hair and holding him close. I didn’t know what tomorrow would bring—or, today, technically, since it was probably after midnight—but it didn’t matter. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t alone. I had not one, not two, but three men who’d do anything for me. They might gripe around it, might bicker and argue and try to show each other up, but we had an enemy to face, and we could only face him together.

Gareth lifted his face, and though I had no idea how much of me he could see in the darkness, nor how well he could see me without his glasses on, he stared down at me all the while. “Don’t worry,” he whispered, “I haven’t forgotten you.”

I was going to ask what he was talking about, but before I had the chance, Gareth pulled his cock out of me, leaving an aching core that wanted more. His head traveled down, along my body, and I had to let him go so he could reach his destination beneath the sheets. And, hint, it was right between my thighs, a place his cock had just vacated.

He said not a single word more. His tongue said enough. It slipped out of his mouth, running a slow line from my entrance all the way up to my aching, swollen clit. I let out a gasp when I felt his mouth latch onto my clit and start sucking it, taking it between his teeth before flicking his tongue against it in a rhythm that instantly got my hips moving.

My eyes closed, a moan escaping me as pleasure enveloped me in an entirely different way. There was the kind of bliss you got from a good, hard fuck, and then there was this. Both felt amazing, but in different ways. You really couldn’t compare.