Page 31 of Bloody Desecration

“Fuck off,” Rick hissed. “I’m not doing any of that shit—”

Gareth’s hand now curled around the back of my neck, at the base of my skull, guiding me, forcing me to do it. My mouth neared Rick’s, and though he was still trying to argue, I was still grinding away on his hard cock, giving him something to stay for. He could, I supposed, throw me off him, but he made no moves to.

Which meant…

My lips pressed against his, and he kept his mouth firmly closed, even as I sought to use my tongue to pry them open. Gareth wouldn’t have that. He released his hold on the back of my neck, bringing his hand to his uncle’s throat and giving it a good squeeze. The action made Rick gasp for air out of sheer surprise, and the moment his mouth opened against mine, I spread the love.

And by love, I meant cum. Cum and saliva, but mostly cum.

Rick wanted to pull away and spit it out, I could tell, but Gareth had stopped choking him and returned his strength to the back of my head, doing his part in keeping our mouths firmly locked together.

“Just swallow me down,” Gareth instructed, a dark glee laced with his tone. “How do I taste, Uncle?”

Rick, in spite of himself, swallowed what I’d pushed into his mouth, and it was only then Gareth let me pull my mouth off his. He glared at him. “Fuck you, kid.”

“No, no, no. I fucked her, and now she’s fucking you, and with the taste of my cum in your mouth,” Gareth paused, grinning ear to ear, “it’s pretty much like I’m the one fucking you, don’t you think?”

Rick’s hand shot up, curling around Gareth’s throat so tightly and so quickly the latter was caught off-guard. “I’m going to fucking kill you.”

“Ah-ah,” Gareth spoke with an evil smirk. “No killing while you’re inside Bri. She’s the only one that gets to fuck and kill at the same time.” All that he whispered out while trying to pry Rick’s hand off him—Rick must have a surprisingly good grip, because it didn’t look like Gareth could get him off.

Hmm. Gareth deserved it, honestly, especially with that last comment. Me being the only one allowed to fuck and kill at the same time? Come on. Low blow, dude. Low blow.

“Rick,” I whispered his name, turning his head so he was staring at me and not at Gareth. “Let him go. Let him go and focus on me.” As much as I might want to see Gareth strangled for what he said, I didn’t want him to die. The asshole had found his way inside me in more ways than one.

“Hard to focus on you when I can still taste the freak’s cum on my goddamned tongue,” Rick growled out, still choking Gareth, who acted unperturbed by the hand wrapped around his neck.

Again, I spoke his name, this time in a soft whisper, “Rick.”

Something about it made Rick release Gareth, and as Gareth fell back, still grinning like an idiot as he rubbed his neck, Rick’s nose grazed my cheek as he buried his face in my hair. “That fucking asshole will be the death of me.” His arms wrapped around my body possessively. “Or you will.”

I’d never want to be the death of any of them… which made the appearance of Brett Banks even more concerning. If I lost one of these guys because of him, because of Neo’s stupid plan to take the Montgomery family down, I’d literally lose it.

And if I lost all of them… fuck, I really didn’t know what I’d do.

Now that Gareth wasn’t being an asshole, Rick was able to focus on me and my body. His hips moved underneath me, spearing his cock into me from below, low groans coming from him every now and then, the cum and spit swapping forgotten about. He held onto me like he was afraid he’d lose me, or like he wanted to mark his territory in front of Gareth, who sat on the couch next to us, watching with a glare while massaging his neck.

A low moan came from Rick’s chest, his cock pumping inside of me with short bursts as his cum shot out and mingled with whatever was left of Gareth’s. Rick held onto me all the while, and after he finished, he still clung to me.

It was only when I crawled off of him and plopped myself on his left side, the side opposite Gareth, Rick glanced between us. “No one says a word of this to anybody, got it? This, especially that bit at the end there, never fucking happened.” He stood, stuffed his dick away, and fixed his pants, and then he reached for his shirt and threw it on, working on the buttons.

Once he was presentable, minus his gun holster, he started to walk away, but after a single step, he stopped, returned to the couch, and bent over to give me a kiss on the lips. In a much softer, gentler voice, he told me, “I’ll see you later.”

“Bye,” I whispered back, turning my head to watch him go. In less than a minute, I heard the front door open and shut, which left me alone, naked, on the couch near Gareth—who was busy staring at me like he was trying to figure me out. “What?”

Gareth’s mouth tugged into a frown, his eyes narrowed just a bit. “You really like him? And Alistair?”

“That’s a random question.”

He shrugged. “I’m just trying to see if this is you wanting to get back at me for being such an ass, or if this whole thing is… real.”

I glanced down at my left wrist, at the scar there. We both knew I had other ideas about how to get back at him that didn’t involve me pretending to have feelings for his uncles. “Why wouldn’t it be real?”

“I don’t know.” His bare shoulders went up and down once. “It’s just… things would be a lot easier if it was all some stupid game.” His legs swept to the side, and he got to his feet, making a big, dramatic display of stretching out his body in front of me—especially his midsection, where his semi-hard cock sat. “Knowing you, though, nothing’s ever easy.”

“Says the serial killer who likes to keep the blood of his victims to paint with,” I shot back.

All he said to that was, “No one’s perfect,” and then he walked away.