Page 21 of The Nightmare King

Finally, he held up one of my only cute nightgowns. Even that one was just cotton with flowers on it. But the material was soft and one of my favorites. I noticed he didn't grab a change of panties before he turned to me. He tossed the nightgown in my lap, and before I could do more than put a hand on the material, he bent down and scooped me back into his arms. I would never say it out loud, but I was getting really comfortable being carried by his strong arms. I certainly wouldn't have any problems being toted around by him for the rest of my life.

It honestly took all my self-control not to snuggle in and lay my head against his strong shoulder. Bones may appear to be a murderous asshole with no conscience, but there was much more under the surface. All of his glares and growls never stopped him from trying to help me, and he never hesitated to save me from the guy who wanted to do more than just hurt me.

We stepped into the bathroom, the heavy steam immediately coating my body in slick moisture. I glanced over to the open shower curtain, surprised to see a plastic lawn chair in the tub. I jerked my gaze back to Bones.

"When did you bring a chair in here?" How did I miss that?

He sat me carefully on the counter and grunted before ducking his head, trying to look busy as he turned back to the water, testing the warmth. "It was already in here."

I paused in my next question, knowing if I pushed too hard, he might clam up on me completely, but my curiosity finally won out. "Why?"

He huffed out an annoyed breath, turned back to me, and gripped the hem of my shirt before I could react to his abrupt movements. "I sit in it when I wash my dog." We both froze as he yanked my shirt over my head, me with gritted teeth against the quick, sharp pain and him with wide, apologetic eyes. He reached out to smooth back the hair that had fallen wildly around my face. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…”

"It's fine." I blew out a slow breath as I tried to get past that initial shock of pain. "You didn't mean to, I know." I closed my eyes and drew in another breath through my nose.

A finger under my chin had my eyes flying open and forgetting all about my breathing exercises. "If I could kill him all over again, I would."

It felt deeper, more intense than a declaration of love. Coming from this man who was obviously emotionally repressed, it might as well be. As I debated on the best way to respond, he had obviously gotten over the moment of weakness because the next thing I knew, he was unbuttoning my pants and shimmying them over my hips and ass with little help from me. I didn't even have time to brace myself or to lift my hips up, and the pants were already down to my thighs. It wasn't until he was on his knees in front of me that I remembered which bra and panties I was wearing.

My eyes squeezed shut in mortification. Every woman had them, the panties they saved for their period, so they didn't ruin even more panties. I just happened to be wearing mine on the day the man I was hopelessly falling in love with was undressing me. Bones, the hottest motorcycle president on the planet, was kneeling face to face with my vagina, and I was wearing stained panties. Fuck. My. Life.

I let out a strangled sound and then took in a deep inhale of breath before daring to crack one eye open. I had to dip my chin to see, but as soon as I could, I felt a wave of heat wash over me. Bones was still in front of me, both of his hands on the waistband of my jeans. As I watched, his eyes closed, and he dropped his forehead to one of my knees. I didn't dare make a sound, didn't even take a chance on breathing too hard. I just stared, fascinated, as this incredible man lost his shit over my pussy.

Suddenly, he pulled the jeans down and off my feet, taking my slip-on shoes with them. Then he twisted his head and nipped the inside of my thigh. Before I could do more than yelp in surprise, I was back in his arms as he stepped over to the shower. He set me down in the plastic chair, and I blinked up at him as the water immediately soaked me. He shoved the shower wand in my hand and then stepped back.

"I can't remove your shit," he gestured up and down my body. "If you need me, call out." He paused at the doorway without looking back to where I was sitting with my mouth agape as I held loosely to the shower handle with my hand.

"Don't need me," his growly words made me shiver as I looked down at myself. I was still wearing my plain white cotton bra and stained period panties. The white gauze was still wrapped tightly around my ribs, and I also had bandages on my scraped knees and hands.

I looked at the small shelf next to me to see the body wash and 2-in-1 shampoo. I grimaced as I thought of what not using conditioner would mean for my hair, then sighed. I didn't know why I thought Bones was actually going to bathe me. He hadn't even fully undressed me.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled the words under my breath. "How am I supposed to wash myself without getting all these bandages wet?"

"It doesn't matter. We can replace them when you're done."

My head whipped around to the door. If I had to guess, I'd say he was sitting on the floor with his back to the door. He may have left me alone to bathe, but he hadn't abandoned me completely. His words were muffled but clearly understandable. A slow smile made its way across my face. He was scared. Why that should make me feel so powerful, I wasn't really sure, but it did.

"What about my bra and panties?" I asked without raising my voice. I had a feeling he was listening intensely to everything coming from this room.

"Leave them on." The words were a clear order.

"But won't it be easier to take them off before I get them all…” I let the words trail off before finishing. "Wet?"

There was a small thump against the door, and I could just picture him banging his head against the door in frustration. "You don't want to play with me, little girl." What was it about that deep, growly voice that got me so worked up? As much as I wanted to try out this new found vixen inside of me that wanted to see how far my teasing could go, there was a stronger, louder part of me that was screaming not to tempt the beast.

I sighed, letting the cowardice win. It wasn't that I was afraid Bones would hurt me, far from it, actually. I had somehow found myself trusting him more than anyone else in this world. But I hated to admit it, even to myself, that I was still that scared victim who had been trapped for months in a cold basement. Bones wasn't the monster in my story. The monster was a well-respected physician who played nice with society. It's strange how that works.

I sighed and began to wash my hair with one hand, the other wrapped tightly around my bandaged ribs. No matter how slowly I moved, my ribs screamed out in agony. I couldn't bring myself to do more than brush a hand over my skinned knees, barely rinsing away the dried blood that had settled onto my skin. By the time I had rinsed away the last of the suds from my body, I was sagging in exhaustion and pain.

I couldn't reach the holder for the shower wand, and the towel was too far away to grab, so I ended up sagging back on the plastic chair in defeat, sniffling back tears as I felt sorry for myself.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

The enraged question had me jolting in shock. I dropped the shower handle to grab hold of the curtain, as I almost sent myself crashing to the floor when I jumped. My gasp of pain from the sudden movement had Bones snarling profanities. He ignored the water shooting full blast at him from the shower wand as it spun wildly on the floor of the bathtub. Instead of caring that he was getting soaked, he swiped the towel from the top of the curtain rod where he'd left it.

In swift movements, he had me wrapped in the towel, and the water turned off as he scooped me up again. I couldn't enjoy the feel of his strong arms holding me again, unfortunately. I was too busy attempting to hold back my sniffles and moans of pain.

"You stupid girl. Why the fuck didn't you call me to help you?" He stomped across the hall to my new bedroom, depositing me gently on the end of the bed. He went back into the bathroom for another towel and returned before I could do more than wipe my nose on a corner of the soaked towel I was draped in. "You don't ever sit there and suffer when I can help you. Do you understand me?"