Page 20 of The Nightmare King

He chuckled again as he turned down a dirt road, driving slowly to avoid any potholes. I could see lights up ahead and figured we had finally arrived at the motorcycle compound.

"Instead of stringing his ass up like he deserved, they took him in. Taught him what it meant to be in a brotherhood and gave him an outlet for all that anger. It turned out the president was actually his estranged uncle. From there, it's, as they say, history."

I stared at the lights as they grew bigger, trying to process everything he'd told me. It was a shitty story, one that Bones had lived through. Doc was right, though. It did help me understand him a little better. Though, I still didn't know what I was supposed to do with the information.

When Doc drove past the large building with a row of motorcycles in front of it, I turned back to him. "Uh, what now? I thought I was staying there?"

He shook his head and pointed ahead. In the distance, not too far away, I could make out a single light. "You're staying there. I don't think my brother would be able to handle seeing you around so many men."

I shook my head. "I think you have the wrong impression here. Bones doesn't see me that way. I'm just another waitress to him."

As he pulled to a stop, he turned to look at me fully. "Are you sure about that?"

"Uh, yeah. Pretty sure," I insisted.

"How many other women have you seen him look at?"

I looked out the window as I thought, but there wasn't much to think about. "None."

"Does he look at you?"

All the time. Just about any time I glanced in his direction, he would be watching me.

"By your silence, I'm going to take that as a yes."

I looked back at him just as the front door to the cabin-type house opened. Bones stood in the doorway, blocking out most of the light with his arms crossed over his chest. I couldn't see his expression with the light behind him, but I was certain there was another scowl sitting there.

"But that's only when he's around. When he's not—"

"He's busy working. Trust me, Red. He has never looked at another woman."

With that, he opened his door. When he moved to the front of the SUV, Bones was already there, having grown impatient. Doc said a few words, then slapped Bones on the shoulder before moving to the back of the vehicle to retrieve my suitcases. Bones was the one to walk to my side of the car. He opened my door just as I unbuckled my seatbelt. With only a grunt in greeting, he slid his hands under me, one under my legs and the other behind my back. He lifted me effortlessly, turning toward the house and leaving the car door for his brother to close.

Neither one of us said a word as he carried me through the open doorway and into the small house. I didn't get more than a short glimpse of a modestly furnished living room with just a couple of comfortable looking black leather recliners and a dog bed in the corner by a fireplace. After that quick non-tour, we entered a hallway with only a couple of doors on either side before entering the first door on the right. I thought he was just going to dump me on the bed. Instead, he carefully lowered me onto the mattress, propped against a small mound of pillows leaning against the headboard.

Looking around the room, I realized it was even more sparse than the motel room I had just left. I could only surmise that he never had overnight guests and was actually surprised that he even had a spare bedroom furnished.

"One of the club girls insisted that I keep a spare room available a few years ago when I built the place." He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked around the room as if seeing it for the first time. "I can bring in a TV or a chair. Just let me know." After his statement, he dropped his hand and glared at me, the moment of awkwardness over. "Don't leave this room without help. I don't want you hurting yourself more by trying to do things on your own."

"How can I get help when you have to do… presidential things?" I waved my hand towards the door. "I won't be able to hold my pee while you're gone. What if I get hungry? What if there's an emergency?" I didn't want to be waited on hand and foot, but I didn't know what his plan was if he kept me locked away in bed all day. I was sure he was a busy man, and he obviously lived alone with only his dog for company. At least, I assumed he lived alone.

"If I'm not around, I'll have one of the club girls sit with you."

I grimaced at the thought. Not that I was opposed to it being a club girl, really, but I wasn't sure about someone being forced to babysit me. "You use club girls a lot," I muttered while looking down at my fingers playing with the hem of my shirt. I realized I hadn't cleaned up yet from the attack as I stared down at myself. I was still covered in grime and dried blood.

"Do you think I can, uh, take a shower?"

We both turned to look out the open doorway and across the hall to another door, which I figured was likely the bathroom. My cheeks started flaming at the implications of what taking a shower would entail. Even if he left me alone to shower, he would still need to help me get undressed. I watched as every muscle on his body tensed up before he slowly turned back to face me, a hungry look in his eyes that couldn't be mistaken.



After giving me a look that had me tightening my thighs together, Bones turned on his heels without saying a single word. I watched him push open the bathroom door and flip on the light, though I couldn't see inside with the way the doorways were situated. I heard the water turn on and some rustling going on. As I listened to the sounds of the motorcycle club president preparing to help me shower, my body heat began to rise to uncomfortable levels. All I could do while trying to regulate my breathing was fantasize about how involved he would be.

I watched him leave the bathroom without looking in my direction and stomp in his heavy boots back down the short hallway to the living room. The anticipation of what was to come next was killing me. I could hear the water running in the bathroom, and steam was starting to billow out into the hall. He didn't leave me waiting for long.

Bones walked back into my room carrying a suitcase. With only a quick, heated glance up and down my body, he tossed the suitcase on the bed and flipped it open. I watched as he dug through the clothes he had half-haphazardly thrown inside an hour ago. I bit my lip as I eyed him, wanting to tell him to stop, knowing he was sorting through my underwear, but he'd already seen the plain cotton panties and bras. I only had a couple of nice, lacey bras. They were ones I'd snatched up on clearance when I had gone to a sale at one of the lingerie stores near where I used to work.