Page 17 of The Nightmare King

Another kick sent me to my back, and through my watery eyes filled with tears, I had a hazy view of my attacker. He was holding something up. "By the time I'm done with you, you are going to be missing so many body parts they won't be able to put you back together again."

I blinked rapidly to clear my vision. His words and the way he spoke them had me trying to search for the reason. And then I realized why I couldn't figure out what he was holding up. He wasn't holding anything up except for his hand. What was left of it, anyway. There was a dirty bandage wrapped around what was too small to be much more than a stump, the end seeping blood. I thought of the way he had wheezed in pain when he punched me and realized the blood was from him hitting me. Good. I hoped he was suffering.

I shook my head, the movement making me dizzy, but I couldn't let my eyes close. I had the overwhelming need to keep the man in my vision, the same way you would watch a wild animal, readying for the moment it pounced. "I didn't know that had been done to you." I wheezed out. Not that I cared. I only wished that I had been able to watch. Had I known that night would lead to this moment, I would have asked Bones to just take his life. Because I knew the damage to the man could have been done by no one other than the Devil's Nightmares president.

He barked out a bitter laugh. "It doesn't fucking matter, now, does it, bitch? This happened because of you, and now you're going to be the one to pay." He slid his zipper down, and I swallowed hard, willing myself not to vomit as he reached inside his boxers with his good hand.

"You don't have to do this!" I pleaded as he took a step towards me. "I didn't do anything!" My words fell on deaf ears. He continued to struggle to get his pants down far enough to pull out his dick, looking equal parts frustrated and smug.

"Cry all you want, cunt. I want to see your tears."

It occurred to me at that moment that I hadn't screamed. I couldn't when his hand was gripping my throat, but since I had been lying on the ground, all I had done was whimper and cry. We weren't in a large city where most people would walk by, ignoring the crime around them, not wanting to be involved. It was getting darker by the moment, but there would be someone around who would hear and come running.

With as much effort as I could put into it, I rolled myself toward my bag that was just a couple of feet away. As I rolled, I let out the loudest scream I could muster through my raw throat. It wasn't nearly as loud as I wished it could have been, as it should have been. But it had to be loud enough. That's all I needed— was for it to be enough.

As I reached into the pocket of my bag, I heard him curse and grab onto my ankle again. I kicked as hard as I could while letting out another smaller scream. I felt the cool handle of the knife, and just as I wrapped my hand around it, getting a steady grip, I heard what sounded like a pack of wolves snarling viciously.

I rolled onto my back, brandishing the knife, ready to cut the dick off the prospect the second he tried to do anything else to me, only to realize there was no pack of wolves. There was only one dog. It was smaller than I would have expected for the display of violence. I blinked as a spray of blood hit my face from the throat that had been ripped open. Then I blinked again, shifting my gaze from the sight of the dog and bloody man to the one that stood over me.

My head moved, allowing me to take in who I already knew was there. "Bones," I breathed out before my whole body went numb and my vision went dark.



Ilay on the bed in my motel room, the usual scent of aged carpeting and rust from the bathroom sink filling my senses. I dreaded waking up fully, knowing that there was something I didn't want to remember. It wasn't until the sounds in the room came flowing into my consciousness that my eyes flew open wide, and a whimper left my throat.

At my sound of distress, the movement in the room paused briefly before starting again. I heard a drawer close before another opened and tried to piece together what was happening. Someone was in the room with me. They had to have brought me back from the alley, but who?

I squeezed my eyes shut as I thought hard about what had happened before I lost consciousness in the alley. There were snarls; a white dog had appeared out of nowhere, ripping into my attacker's throat.

"Bones," I whispered out the one name that brought equal parts terror and relief to me. The bed jostled underneath me at my raspy voice, making my eyes fly back open. What was supposed to be a white snout covered in what was likely my attacker's blood pressed in close, sniffing my cheek. I was about to jump away screaming when that mouth opened, only to have a long pink tongue take a wet lap up my cheek. I only had a second to process that the beast wasn't about to maul me before I grimaced at the slimy trail it had left on my face and the nasty smell of coppery blood on its breath.

"Ugh." I didn't dare put my hands on the dog to push it away. Instead, I turned my head to look over at the small dresser where I had heard movement. There, I spotted Bones pulling my clothes out of the drawers and stuffing them into one of my suitcases haphazardly. "Is your murder dog going to eat me next?"

I winced with pain as I pulled my arm up to cover my mouth and nose, afraid that if I moved too quickly, the dog that looked like it was smiling at me would change its mind and attack. My forearm did a decent job of keeping the warm, fetid breath out of my nose. As I looked back at the dog again, my stomach twisted, threatening to revolt at the sight of the matted blood on its face.

Bones grunted at my question, then snapped out a command. The dog immediately jumped off the bed, going to its master's side. I watched as it sat there obediently, staring up with adoring love. I couldn’t believe how small he was. Barely reaching Bone’s knees, he wasn’t big at all, though his protective behavior and the way he had shown no hesitation in attacking, you’d think he was a massive beast. It was kind of endearing, though I still didn’t want to take any chances on having him turn that protectiveness on me.

"He won't hurt you." His tone was as gruff and final as every other time I had heard him speak, which, admittedly, wasn't much. Bones was a man of few words. He hardly paused in his packing as he opened the next drawer, pulling out the few pairs of pants I owned. If he'd already cleared the other drawers, then that was the last of my clothes to be packed.

"Ummm," I cleared my throat and tried again. "What are you doing?" I lowered my hand to my throat and rubbed at the pain there, wincing from the injury that had been inflicted when the man had choked me.

Bones frowned at my movements, his stoic, handsome face showing his displeasure at my pain. It sent warm tingles flowing through me. Thinking that he cared enough to save me, to be angry about me being injured, did things to my weak little heart that it shouldn't. I had yet to properly shield my heart from him. I loved what we had done together, even though I knew I shouldn't, knowing that a man like him would never want a girl like me. Why would the president of a motorcycle club want to keep a scarred, petrified mess like me? If he wanted a woman, there were plenty around, ready to drop to her knees for him at a snap of his fingers—beautiful, undamaged women.

I carefully leveraged myself up, using a hand to hold me steady as the other went to my ribs, grinding my teeth to keep from crying out at the pain.

"Stop moving," he gritted out, dropping the suitcase he'd zipped up to the floor before moving to the end of the bed where I had been lying. He reached for me, to do what I had no idea. Force me to lay back down? Help me sit up? But a knock on the door to my motel room had us both freezing and our heads whipping to the door.

The dog let out a menacing growl and stalked over to the door while baring those sharp canines, ready to tear through anyone who tried to gain entry.

"Zero, sit." I blinked at the command as I watched the blood-stained dog, Zero, drop to his haunches and wag his tail once before resuming his terror inducing snarling.

Bones stalked over to the door, and as I watched, he pulled a wickedly sharp blade from a holster on his side. He glanced through the peephole, then reached for the security latch, pulling it back before wrenching the door open. I didn't know what to expect, but seeing a handsome man wearing jeans and a black T-shirt wasn't it. He had salt and pepper hair, tattoos covering most of his arms, and carried a small black medical bag.

Bones stepped back with a grunt, allowing the man entry while Zero stood up, his tail wagging wildly. He didn't jump on the man, but he did push his snout into the man's hand. He petted the dog for only half a second before pulling back with a grimace, turning a glare toward Bones. He held out his now bloody hand.

"What the actual fuck, Bones? That's just nasty." He turned his glare to Zero while holding his hand out in front of him. "There better be some soap in that bathroom. And a fucking good explanation for why I'm here in this dump."