Page 15 of The Nightmare King

After glancing at the screen, I growled. "This better be fucking good, Lock."

"One of these days, you're going to answer with a different greeting than that. I just know it."

My silence made him sigh, and the forced cheerfulness dropped from his tone.

"I've received reports from some of the spies around town that a Boogeyman has been seen driving through town more than once. Before you ask, no one got a good look at the guy's face, but they were able to make out the patch on the back of the cut."

I cursed under my breath. There were clear rules when it came to club territory. If one of my guys had been spotted in Boogeyman territory, they would have either shot him on sight and dropped his head on my doorstep, or kept him prisoner just for the joy of torturing him.

"Double patrols. Church in the morning." I hit the end call button and tossed the phone on my bed. Shrugging out of my cut, I pulled my T-shirt off. The cut went to the chair in the corner, and the shirt went into the pile of dirty clothes on the floor.

Zero hopped on the bed, going straight to his chew toy as I walked into the bathroom, where I stripped off my jeans and then headed into the shower. I didn't want to wash the feel of Sally's mouth off my cock, but I needed to clean the day off me. As I lifted my face to the steaming water, I wrapped my hand around my hardened cock, which had begun to stiffen as soon as the girl's face hit my mind. The memory of her big blue eyes staring up at me with her mouth full of my dick had one of those guttural groans rising from my chest.

I was an expert at stroking my cock; it was all I'd felt since I was old enough to know that pleasure existed in that way. But her mouth was something entirely different. My hand no longer did what it used to, and when I came, shooting my come onto the shower floor, it was with a disappointed sigh. I should never have given in to the desperation that filled me last night. The adrenaline high from the fight and seeing the fucking going on around the building had put ideas in my head that had never been there before. Now I knew what it felt to have a woman's mouth on me, to feel her tongue glide against my shaft.

Now, I couldn't shake the need to know what else I had been missing out on. I wanted to feel her cunt wrapped around me, squeezing me. I needed to fill her up and watch my seed ooze out, just so I could press it back inside with my fingers.

The thoughts running unbidden through my mind had my cock swelling as if I hadn't just come down the drain. With a snarl and a curse, I slammed off the water and stepped out of the shower without bothering to dry off. I dropped to the floor and began doing pushups until my arms began to shake, and the muscle fatigue had me gritting my teeth. By the time I slapped off the light switch and climbed into bed, I was dry. But my dick was still hard.

* * *

"Why the fuckis a Boogeyman in my territory?"

It was the only question I needed an answer to as I looked around the large wooden table at the clubhouse. Church was in session. All of my club members were present except for the prospects, of which we were down to two since I had kicked the other one out of town after cutting off his hand as a punishment for touching what wasn't his.

The members glance at each other nervously, a few of them fidgeting in their seats like pussies at my growled question. Shock leaned back in his chair, flipping a coin over his knuckles and between his fingers.

"All that we have been able to find out so far is he drove back and forth a couple of times down Main Street before taking off back out of town."

I looked at him as my mind raced with different possibilities. "Main Street? Nowhere else?"

"Sorry, Prez. Just Main Street." He tilted his head. "There's a rumor that the prospect you kicked out last month went to the Boogeymen after leaving here."

I ran my hand over my face in frustration while suppressing the string of curses running through my mind. "Get someone to do some recon on that. I also want to see his background check." I glanced around the table, taking in everyone's expressions. "Who vouched for him to prospect?"

One of the newer patches, Repo, a street name given due to his day job, flushed and started fiddling with his hands like a naughty school kid. "Uhh, that was me, Prez. I met him at the bar and got to know him. He seemed like a cool dude. When he said he was interested in joining, I guess I thought he'd be a good fit." He shifted in his seat as I stared him down. "Sorry," came his mumbled excuse for an apology for fucking up.

Barrel strode back into the room from where he'd run off to grab the background check and slid the folder in front of me before retaking his seat with a fucking smirk tossed the kid's way as he pulled out his knife and started cleaning under his fingernails with it. I ignored everyone as I slammed the folder open to see the picture of the dumbfuck staring up at me.

To be honest, I never got a good look at him the night I cut his hand off. As president, I didn't concern myself with the matters of the prospects. I had men that were responsible for that. It looked like I might have several guys that dropped the fucking ball in this situation.

His folder read like most of the others. His age, twenty-five, his address, some low-rent apartment on the edge of town, no family listed. I glanced up and eyed every man in the room before settling my glare on Shock.

"You're my Sergeant at Arms, isn't that right?"

His chin ticked up a notch as he grunted out his affirmative.

"You run the background checks and ensure the prospects and girls that want to officially join the club are legit." It was a statement, not a question, because, yeah, it was his fucking job. "You didn't see anything wrong with this?" I held up the sheet that had virtually no information on it.

"I ran the check. Nothing else came up. I figured the guy was an orphan or some shit. Everything else checked out fine." His eyes narrowed before he relaxed, his body almost melting into the seat as he looked over at Repo, who looked like he was about to shit himself. "I'll make sure that in the future, we have everything, even if I have to dig his granny up from her grave to verify. That's on me, Prez."

He was pissed at being called out for this fuck up, but it was his mistake.

"Looks like I will have to tighten shit up around here. I'm going to have to follow around behind your asses to make sure you're doing your jobs right." I glared at Repo. "And you are on probation. Congratulations, you get to prospect with a cut on."

He swallowed hard but nodded, knowing that I could have just taken his patch and said fuck it. But he wasn't the only one that had fucked up. If I took his, I'd have to take Shock's, too. As much as he pissed me off at the moment, he was one of my best men, and his title in the club reflected that. He'd been with me since the beginning, him, Lock and Barrel. No one said a thing as my words settled in the room as hard and heavy as the gavel by my side.

"This guy was a plant by the Boogeymen. We let him waltz right into this club. There's no telling what kind of information he might have managed to steal. Our only saving grace is that he was only here for a few weeks, and prospects aren't allowed around sensitive information."