We are so lost in each other’s thoughts that when her friends enter the room to join us, it takes Mackenzie slamming her fist on the table to get our attention.
“Don’t you two look…fetching.” The corner of her lip turns up as she finishes talking.
“How was your evening ladies?” I look over the four women and grin.
Emma is clear across the room, avoiding Gaius like the plague.
Abbie is trying not to look at Nico and failing to his amusement.
Mackenzie is looking at the others like they’ve all lost their minds.
But Olivia is the one that draws my eye. She walks in last and sticks to the wall, observing the scene around her with open curiosity.
“Come, sit. You must all be famished. We have a lot to discuss before this evening.” Slowly, they all take a seat and start filling their plates.
“Fuck your food. What have you done to Maddy? She looks off.” Mackenzie sniffs the air, and I raise an eyebrow at Nico.
He shrugs and shakes his head.
Gaius has a similar look on his face. He seems puzzled and surprised.
“I’m fine, Mak. In fact, I feel incredible. You know that feeling of never belonging we’ve all felt. That is gone. It’s like I’ve found my true self. The thing that has always been missing.” I turn and kiss her neck.
“So the missing part of your life was a bloodthirsty vampire? Fantastic, so how about us? Do we break up the pack because you found your happily ever after?” She slumps back in her chair, staring at Madeline for answers.
“I feel the same way. Something about this place steals my soul.” Abbie says as Nico pours her tea.
“Wonder why,” Gaius says under his breath.
“This whole world fascinates me. I want to learn everything.” Olivia surprises me by speaking.
“Figures, you can never resist a mystery.” Mackenzie rolls her eyes and looks over at Emma.
She’s sitting alone on the other side of the table.
“What? Don’t look at me. I’m ready to leave. I know where I’m not wanted.” Gaius slams a platter of food in front of her as she finishes talking.
“Not wanted?” He hisses.
“Well, I need you all here tonight, so please don’t go running off until after the wedding.” The room goes quiet.
“The nuptials are at Midnight. The Coven members should start to arrive around dusk. So that leaves you ladies about six hours to go shopping and get ready. Gaius will take you to wherever shops you like. I will be paying for everything.” I hide my smile when Madeline kisses my cheek.
“Wow,” Abbie says as she sets her tea down.
“I will accompany you.” Nico hasn’t left her side since pouring her the tea.
Gaius and Emma are still glaring at each other. I’m not sure either of them heard a word I said until he speaks to the room without breaking eye contact.
“Your luggage was retrieved and is waiting in your rooms.” Emma narrows her eyes at him.
I glance and see Gaius has leaned into her and has his hand on her thigh.
“Do we have a limit?” Mackenzie’s face lights up, and I know instantly she’s up to no good.
“Mak,” Madeline says, but I chuckle.