I have him pinned to the wall in an instant.
“I’m starting to see why Gaius has always secretly wanted to castrate you.” I hiss in my friend’s face.
“He is always waving that pink thing around. It’s rather annoying, actually. Relax boys. I’m here with diagrams. Zip up, Nico. There is no need to have a measuring contest. We all know I’ll win.” Why was I landed with these two morons as friends?
I drop Nico to his feet.
“It was for educational purposes only.” He pulls up his zipper as he looks at me.
“You ever offer to show my wife your dick again for any reason, and I’ll send you back home.” His skin ripples as if he’s about to change, then stops.
“Sorry,” I turn to see Abbie standing in the doorway.
“Would you like a cup of tea?” Nico asks her with fucking puppy dog eyes.
I look at Gaius and point at Nico.
“Best leave that one alone. An Alpha will kill anyone that stands between him and his Omega.” Nico curses in Italian.
“Oh, do stop that growling, or I’ll get my rolled-up newspaper.” That’s it I’m done with this conversation.
I grab the books Gaius is holding and push him out of the kitchen.
“Keep walking, or I’m telling him about your wings.” Gaius rolls his eyes at me like I’m the one being dramatic.
“I’m starting to think I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole. Supernatural creatures are real, I’m going to die if I don’t mate you, and your dick isn’t special enough? Nope, not even my drugged-out mind could come up with this shit.” I smile as we walk into the living room.
“I am please to confirm that the Easter Bunny is utter bullshit.” I glare at Gaius.
“Just trying to be helpful.” Madeline giggles, and the tension breaks.
“How about the tooth fairy?” Gaius shivers.
“Don’t mention her. Evil bitch.” I sigh as we sit on the couches.
I drop the books on the coffee table and tap the one on top.
“I assume you found something useful to our situation in these?” He tilts his head and frowns.
“Don’t you recognize them, Erik?” I didn’t really look at them when I tried to get away from the Nico argument.
Now I inspect them and curse.
“Why do you have my journals? I told you to burn them all years ago.” Madeline reaches for one, but I stop her.
I bared my soul and heartbreak into those pages. I used to spend days reading them, reliving every fucking detail of our love. If you think an angry vampire is soon one to contend with, try a depressed one.
I was feral and a danger to anyone around me.
The European Coven stepped in and threatened to imprison me until Gaius stepped in. That was right after the last World War. We’ve been together every day since.
“Don’t read these, Beloved. They are full of sorrow and grief. Looking to the past is never a good idea.” She sits back and takes my hand with her.
“I disagree however, it may be too soon.” Gaius lights a cigar and blows a ring of smoke.
“What happened to you quitting?” I tease, knowing damn well he has no reason to.
“I outgrow the notion. Back to the two of you.” He points at us with the bright red tip of the cigar.