Ipull at the sheet, feeling overheated and clammy as if I were sick. Erik rushes to my side and helps me sit up.
“How are you feeling?” He touches my head lightly.
“Confused. What happened?” He sighs and hugs me to his chest.
“I didn’t know. It makes sense now.” Well, that was clear as piss.
“Know what?” I’ve always had an issue with my temper.
As in no control of it. So, I’m not known for patience when I’m left in the dark.
“You’re a werewolf.” I laugh in his face.
“I am not. Wait, those are real, too?” I watch for him to start laughing with me, but when he doesn’t, a cold type of dread runs down my spine.
“I’ve seen movies. Read stories. Most have a really bad outcome if a vampire bites a werewolf. One team usually dies.” I clutch the sheet in my fist, waiting for him to tell me humans got it all wrong.
But he doesn’t.
“I didn’t know.” He sounds so defeated.
A tear escapes my lashes.
“What’s going to happen to me?” I’m terrified of his answer.
“I’m not sure. Everything is different this time.” He stands and starts to pace.
“There’s got to be a way to fix this. Why would the universe bring us together time and time again to rip us apart?” I shake my head, determined to figure it out.
“It’s like a fucked up romance puzzle.” I bite my thumbnail in consideration.
“This isn’t a bloody romance! Don’t you see? I’m not some hero that tries to save you. I’m the fucking monster that kills you. Every time you’ve died, it’s been because of me! In my arms while you beg me not to let you go. With the words, I love you on those luscious lips. Trust filling your eyes that I’ve never deserved. I’ve ripped my own heart from my chest, hoping the pain would end only for it to grow back. I can’t do it anymore. Not again. Don’t ask me, too. Please.” I stare at him.
He’s utterly devastated and on the verge of giving up.
“No. Don’t quit on me. How long do we have?” He grabs the edge of a dresser, and I hear the wood splinter.
“Two days, max.” I nod and stand up.
“We’re fighting this, Erik. I don’t need you to be my hero. I need you to be my mate.” He turns so suddenly that I gasp.
“Come with me,” He takes my hand and pulls me to the door, but I dig in my heels.
“Erik! I’m naked,” He stops and looks at my body.
“Maybe clothes first.” He hands me one of his shirts and a pair of boxers.
“I really need to get my bags.” I muse as I roll the boxers so they don’t fall off.
“Later, right now, we need to speak to Nico.” I let him lead me down the hall.
“Why?” I ask as we get to the stairs.
“He’s the only other shifter in the house.”
* * *