“Step out. I will not look.” I hear the water splash, and then her body heat engulfs me.
I wrap my arms around her and pull the sheet to her chin. She’s an imp of a lass, not even meeting my chin.
“Let us rest before the evening meal. It was a long night.” She bites her lip and looks at the bed.
“Let me dress.” I nod and turn my back.
I remove my coat and drape it over an old wood chair in the corner. Reaching down, I pull off my boots, followed by my uniform jacket.
“I’m ready,” I turn and curse.
She Stands in nothing but a shift so thin I can see everything.
“Please don’t make me put my old clothes on. I couldn’t bear it. Not now that I’m clean.” I shake my head, letting the hunger demon in me take in his fill.
“Never beloved. Come,” I pull back the covers, and she climbs in.
I sit on the top of the covers and lean onto the headboard as she cuddles into the pillows.
“So soft,” she rubs the material lightly.
My God. These covers are rougher than desert sand. Then I remember where she came from. My eagerness to return to England is tenfold now.
Her eyes blink, and I give her a help nudge into dreamland.
Not needing anywhere as much as her in sleep, I sit and stand watch over my beloved. I mesmerize every freckle on her nose and cheek. And when the blankets fall to her waist, and her shift comes untied to tease me with a view at her rose nipples, it takes me longer than it should to cover her.
A soft knock comes after a few hours later, and I smile. I heard him approach the village, grumbling about the crabapples, and it had made me chuckle, almost waking Fallon.
I slowly rise and open the door.
Gaius takes one look at the bed and grins.
“One bed? Honestly, Erik, must you resort to such thievery?” I snort and push him out of the room.
“I have stolen nothing but a kiss, and it was chaste.” He steps back from me and looks up at the heavens.
“Stop that,” I laugh at his theatrics.” He shrugs.
“One day, he will smite you.” I slap in on the shoulder.
“I’ve missed you, old friend. How did you find me?” He sniffs the air around me.
“You stink, for starters. If you indeed plan on bedding the lass, at least wash the stench of your bullocks.” I groan and wish I could take back what I just said.
“Never mind. You are unbecoming of being my best man.” The man before me jumps like a giddy young lass and not an immortal being older than time itself.
In all the years that I’ve known him, he has yet to confide in me his origins, claiming ‘Somethings should be obvious.’
“Eternally bound.” He whispers, and his eyes turn pure white.
My skin glows, and my body vibrates.
“Gaius, what are you doing?” He blinks and smiles.
“You, my friend, have the greatest love known to man. But the journey is going to drag you through hell. She is your true soulmate. Remember, it will all be worth it.” I frown at his message.
“Is that your best wishes for me? They’re shit.” He laughs and slaps my back.