His lip is bleeding, and the anger I saw before had now turned to fear and shock. I glance at Erik, who is holding the belt that has lashed me more times than I care to count.
“Come, beloved.” He extended hand offers me salvation.
I only hesitate for a moment before taking it in mine. He intertwines our fingers and squeezes softly. He nods once at my Papa, then takes me over to the horse he called Marty and lifts me astride the animal.
I hesitantly cover my exposed thighs with my cloak and gasp when I feel his body press to mine as he joins me on the horse. He takes the reins and clicks his tongue to get Marty moving.
“Raise your hood, Fallon. The rain is unforgiving tonight.”
She falls asleep in my arms as I ride hard through the night. The morning sun is just breaking the clouds when we reach the inn. It breaks my heart to wake her.
“Beloved,” I whisper into her ear and kiss her cold cheeks.
“Mmm,” she opens her eyes slowly and looks around.
“We will rest here for a few hours. Come,” I help her down and walk into the inn.
“We are in need of rooms,” I call out to the woman attending the establishment.
“Aye, but we only have one, Sir.” I curse under my breath.
“We’ll take it.” I slap a coin on her counter and wait for the room key and instructions on where it’s located.
“I beg your pardon, Sir. But is the lass your daughter?” She glances between us, and I want to growl.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would find my mate at such a tender age! Had she been living under better conditions, I would have waited to claim her, but her father was a right bastard who would have started selling her to the men before much longer.
“No, Madam. She is my betrothed. Fetch the local priest and send him to our room.” I snatch the key from her before she dares ask another question.
We’re halfway up the steps when I pause.
“Fallon, take this key and head to the room. I won’t be but a moment.” She frowns as I hand it to her.
“How will I know which is ours?” She looks at the doors in confusion.
“I’ll show her, Sir.” A little boy, maybe ten summers old, says as becomes down another hall.
“This way, Ma’am.” He takes her hand, and she looks at me panicked.
“I’ll be along in just a few moments.” She nods and then lets the boy take her away from me.
I return to the woman who is donning a cloak.
“I will need a dress and flowers as well. Is there a smith in town?” I hand her a coin purse for her troubles.
“Aye, Sir. He is but two buildings down.” She points south of us, and I nod.
I quickly follow her out and find the smith exactly where she said. He’s slamming a hammer into a piece of metal so hot the color would rival the sun.
“Can I help ye?” He huffs out between a swing but never takes his eyes off his task.
“Yes, Sir. I need a wedding band crafted quickly.” He dunks the metal into the water, and a loud hiss, along with steam, fills the room.
Yellow eyes look at me through the blurry haze between us.