“Can you believe we’re in London!” I roll my eyes at Emma.
She’s the group’s history buff and is fingerling at every piece of ancient architecture we pass. I nod and rub my face. I’m jet-lagged and in desperate need of a nap.
Emma put the whole trip together thanks to her recent inheritance. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that none of us could say no to.
Spring break in Europe. I mean, of course, we dropped everything to come. So when she booked us on a red-eye and told us we needed to jump right into the itinerary she planned, none of us argued.
“You’ll thank me tomorrow when we’re all functioning on local time.” I’m not sure I believe her, but here we are, walking along Old London on our way to a pub that some guy at the airport said we had to check out.
I glance at all my childhood friends and smile. Olivia is texting god knows who. She’s the tech of our little band of misfits. Abigail has her book tucked under her arm, and I’m sure our bookworm is wishing she was in bed reading instead of out in this damp weather. Mackenzie is flirting with some random dude who must be a bouncer for the club we stopped in front of.
I sigh and look around once again. I may be dead on my feet, but even I know how lucky we all are to still be together. A bunch of non-body foster kids that somehow made it through the system together. They’re the only family I’ve ever known.
“Ladies! We’ve been invited to a private club. Come on!” Mak grabs my arm and tugs while she waves at the others to follow.
“What kind of trouble are you getting us into Mackenzie?” Emma questions as the bouncer lets us into a dark club with music shaking the walls.
“Relax, Emma, it’s only a nightclub.” I can hear the roll of Mak’s eyes in her tone.
She’s always been the troublemaker of our group. The hopeless and reckless romantic that was always encouraging us to just go for it. She’ll need to know how to get herself out of trouble.
“This place is unreal,” I shout over the music so they can all hear me.
The smell of whiskey fills the air, and the red plush seats set in black leather booths scream goth. I grin as we walk up to the bar. I slide onto the stool and lean my elbows on the bar, excited for the first time today.
A bartender with his white shirt shelves rolled up to his elbows comes over to us and starts taking orders. His accent is thick, and the tattoos he has catch my eye.
“How about you, Angel?” I blink at him, and for a split second, the surroundings around me change.
I recoil and shake my head.
“Um, just a pop, please.” I must be more tired than I thought.
“All we have is cherry.” I nod and sit back on the stool to wait.
“You ok? Since when do you turn down whiskey?” Emma leans into me to ask, and I shake my head.
“One of us should stay sober.” My vision is bleary, and I rub my eyes, trying to focus on the room again.
“One cherry pop for the pretty lady. Let me know if you need a shot to go with it.” The bartender winks at me and turns back to Mak.
The music changes as I sip the cold soda.
“Hey, I said…” My voice sounds slurred, and I have a moment to think I’ve been drugged before the warmth from my drink overtakes my body.
“Wow,” I whisper to myself as the music changes, and I feel the need to dance.
Wasn’t I just tired?
I sway on the stool to the sound of the music while I drink. I giggle at Man grinding into the bartender on the dance floor, but when I blink, the room changes again.
Rotting wood, broken steps, graffiti on the walls. What the fuck. I turn and place my glass down on the bar, and close my eyes. I count to three, and when I open them again, the room looks normal.
“Are you ok?” The bartender, who was dancing with Mak, places his hand on my hip and leans into my ear so I can hear him.