Page 2 of Eternally Bound

“Nico wouldn’t approve of your commentary. That hound may rip you apart one day.” I join him by the opening, waiting for him to lead us outside.

“The dog is welcome to try. NOW.” We make a run for the tree line, dodging fire from both sides.

Gaius breaks the tree line and turns to me as my footsteps on a landmine.

“NO!” I try to throw my love to the safety of my friend’s arms, but the magic teetering us together has not waned. The mine explodes, throwing me back and ripping us apart.

When my eyes open again, it’s to a frantic Gaius holding my beloved. He rocks her as the blood leaves her body from her missing arm.

“Quickly, she’s almost gone. Turn her now.” He brings her to me, and I panic.

We haven’t had any time. I don’t even know her name in this life. How am I supposed to turn her without her knowledge? I shake my head at him.

“I can’t. It’s never worked. Please,” I plead with him like I do every time, and his ancient eyes turn to stone.

“You must try.” He places her head on my chest and pushes my face into her neck.

“I’m so sorry, my love.”



Sunlight invades my senses and rips me from my dream. I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or not. I’ve been reliving the last time I held my wife in my arms every night for the past week. I’m old enough to know I can’t change the past, but even for a vampire, hope’s spring seems to be eternal.

I pry open my eyes and sneer at Gaius.

“Rise and shine. I have the paper and your coffee.” He places the tray on the edge of my bed, and I snarl at it.

It takes every ounce of self-control not to fling it across my bedroom. I may hate reliving our past lives in my dreams, but it’s the only time I get to see her.

This has been the longest occurrence without her reappearing. I’m starting to wonder if I’ve missed my chance. Has fate finally said enough?

“I know that face. You will see her again.” I rub my eyes, wondering why I bother to slumber at all.

I don’t need it. In fact, I’ve gone decades without it so I can avoid the pain it brings. All I’m able to accomplish is a depression from missing her. I sigh and reach for the newspaper.

“I see the murders have continued. How long was an out this time?” I don’t need sleep, but when I do, I have no control over the length unless I am awakened.

I look at the date on the paper and frown as Gaius answers.

“Just a few days. I only came to wake you because of the mumbling. You were calling out a name.” He raises an eyebrow at me in question.

I shrug my shoulders and take a sip of the coffee.

“Care to enlighten me?” His wicked grin appears, and I curse.

“Not in the least. Something has changed. You don’t remember calling it out?” I glare at him.

He turns away and opens my bedroom window, allowing the cooling evening air into the stuffy room. I take another sip of my coffee and frown.

“What is that smell?” It reminds me of…

I’m off the bed and across the room in a blink of an eye. I stick my head out the window and inhale deeply.

“Amber and rosewood.” I turn to see a smile on my best friend’s face.

“You knew?” He disappears into my closet and returns with a suit in hand.