My mother once said that a good husband would make his wife’s flower bloom. Was that what was happening to me? It sure felt like the blazing rays of the sun.
When he stops again, I let out a sound I’ve never heard before.
“I will taste all of you tonight.” He moves down my belly again and then spreads my legs quickly.
I yelp when his mouth licks my folds.
“So sweet and wet,” I cover my face to hide my shame.
Not for what he’s doing, but that I like it. A lot. It’s sinful and deprived, and if I have to beg him not to stop, I will.
“Look at me, Fallon. Watch me pleasure you. Remember, no hiding.” I uncover my face and lean up on my arms.
He looks like a wild animal feasting on his prey. Red eyes glowing, tongue licking and sucking on me. It makes the feelings stronger. I start to feel a coiling in my belly, growing, and I grasp his head to keep him where he is.
“I, I..” I choke as the feeling grows in intensity.
“More,” Erik circles me with a slick finger before inserting it inside me.
I cry out as my body seems to erupt in flames.
“Shhh,” I tremble from the feeling.
Erik rubs my arms and pushes my hair out of my face. He kisses me softly. I lick my lips, enjoying the sweet, salty flavor. It draws a moan from me, and I clutch him closer so he won’t stop the kiss.
“Did you enjoy it?” I nod and kiss him this time.
“Would you like more?” What an odd question.
“Who wouldn’t want to feel that good?” He smiles at my response and pulls my leg over his hip.
I shake my head in confusion as I watch him move his manhood to my entrance. He rubs himself through my folds, and I see it grow shiny with my essence.
“You need to remain lax. Try not to tense up. This will pinch for a moment.” He pushes in and is met with resistance.
I gasp at the fullness I feel.
“Remember to breathe, beloved.” He thrust into me savagely.
I feel myself tear, and a scream is ripped from my lungs.
Igasp and push Erik away.
“You’re okay,” He whispers to me but I shake him off.
“You lied.” I can still feel the burning from when he broke through my virginity which makes no damn sense.
“I can feel it, and I’m not even in that body anymore!” I push at his chest so I can sit up, but he doesn’t give an inch.
“I warned you the memory would be stronger.” He rips his dress shirt off.
He pulls off my heels and runs his hand up my legs.
“What are you doing?” I try to scout away, cursing the short sundress I’m wearing as it rides up, showing him my thong.