“Come away, I hear the fine proprietor of this establishment coming to ready your bride.” I look back at the door as he drags me down the hall
Something is very wrong with Erik. I thought it was a trick of the light when his eyes turned red, but even now, standing next to the priest waiting for me to approach, I can see the ring of red around his normal brown eyes.
I clutch the red rose to my chest and hesitate to approach him.
I weigh my chances of surviving out in the wilderness alone against animals. Then again, my soon-to-be husband seems to have one hiding inside him, and he has yet to try and hurt me.
On the contrary, he seems to wish death on all who have or would ever hurt me. It’s not love per se, but it is most definitely caring, which is more than I have ever been afforded.
My feet move before my mind has made the decision.
The look of worry and concern on Erik’s face morphs into happiness as he offers me his hand. I smile shyly, not knowing what to expect from here on out. My mother’s teachings were lacking in the area of womanhood, and it seems I’m out of time to learn now.
I have attended weddings before, but the whispers of wifely duties scare me. I once heard a maid describe her wedding night as mating a wild stud. The visual I got of that was very off-putting. I helped stud a mare just this past summer, and if Erik requires such an act, this marriage may end quickly.
“Fallon?” I snap out of my thoughts and see the priest waiting for me to speak.
“I do,” I whisper, hoping that was the answer he was looking for since I was lost in my head and not paying attention.
When he nods and turns to Erik, I bite my lip to stop the sigh of relief.
“The rings?” My eyes grow wide and I shake my head.
“Hush now,” Erik whispers as he turns to a man on his right.
Tall, golden skin, white hair and crystal blue eyes. I blink because he looks blurry and I feel a tear run down my cheek. How strange?
I wipe it away and rub the moisture between my fingers.
“Are you alright?” I nod.
“I’m not hurt or in pain. I don’t understand…” I let the sentence die as he places a round piece of gold on my finger.
“Happy tears,” Erik says as he hands me his ring.
I was so worried about not having one for him. I should have known he’d take care of that like everything else he’s done, down to the pretty white and blue gown I wear.
“Tears that are happy? Is there such a thing?” I push the ring on his finger as the priest speaks over us.
“Oh, my beloved. All your tears belong to me now, and they will be from happiness or pleasure. Never from pain or anguish again.” I look into his eyes, and they’re bright red again.
I’m not afraid of them this time.
“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.” The blonde man clasps as Erik leans in and cups my cheek.
“MINE,” he growls before kissing me in a fashion that would be viewed as indecent in public.
The priest clears his throat, but Erik pulls me into his arms and carries me away.
The bouquet of roses gets crushed between us, and by the time we reach our room, my head is spinning. He takes them from me and throws them on the bed. Petals fly up in the air, falling like rain around us. I laugh at the sight.
“I adore that sound.” He kisses my neck, and I feel his fingers pulling at the laces of my dress.
“Are we not to share a meal?” I grab the front top of the dress so it doesn’t fall to the floor.