“Whatever you want,amore mio.”I agreed, before pouncing on her. She giggled as I ran kisses along her neck. We’ll see if I could wear her out in this round.



I didn’t even want to be here, but my brother called in a favor. Silas told me that my sister-in-law Eden wasn’t doing so well since she learned about her uncle. The piece of shit was in jail, but here I sat, uncomfortable in this monkey suit because, according to my brother, my poor sister-in-law would wake up screaming with nightmares. He feared for the health of the baby in her womb.

Dr. Mya Rivera, a psychiatrist Silas wanted for his new wife, had yet to grace me with her presence. She was supposedly the best in her field.

I was waiting outside her office to ambush her. Silas had tried to go about it the nice way. Where he contacted her office and asked for an appointment.

But she was booked out.

Then he tried to fly out and meet her. She wouldn’t return his calls. He tried emails, and they would bounce. He even sent her a letter in the mail, but it was sent back and marked return to sender.

He’d hit his rope. Now, it was up to me to make sure little Dr. Mya came quietly to Italy with me. I hoped she would make me chase her. I loved a good chase. Especially when I could let my dark side free to run. Though, I promised Silas I wouldn’t kill her—purposely or accidentally.

I looked around the empty parking lot. She wasn’t here yet and looking down at my watch she was eight minutes late. A car sped through the empty parking lot at that precise moment.

A candy red Mercedes Benz.

For someone so young, she sure was accomplished. It must be hard to be at the top of her field. She probably looked like a troll. There was no way she graduated with top honors at such a young age without being an ugly nerd who kept their nose stuck in a book.

The car parked and the door opened. A pair of red high heels attached to the longest legs I’d seen stepped out. I had to stop myself from letting out a low whistle.

The siren in front of me took my breath away. Her red hair had streaks of brown running through it, the curls wild, thick, and springy. I wanted to pull on them just to watch them bounce. It was her eyes, though, that really captured me. They were enthralling, a type of green I’d never seen before.

The sun flashed over her face and illuminated the freckles littering her cheeks and nose. Her eyebrows were thick and dark red, and her skin was lighter than mine; she didn’t hang in the sun like I did. She would probably burn.

She cast a small smile my way as she walked toward me.

“Dr. Rivera?” I called in a friendly tone.

“Yes?” She tilted her head at me and walked closer.

That’s it little mouse. Come closer to me.My dark partner whispered through my mind. I shuddered trying to shake him off of me. I could handle this myself. I folded one gloved hand in front of the other.

I shouldn’t have these thoughts about a strange woman I didn’t know. She couldn’t handle me at my worst. I was a fucked-up soul. I didn’t play with fire much anymore.

After everything I’d been through, I didn’t want to be burned again.

“I had some questions I needed to ask you about the recent break ins that have happened to the businesses surrounding your practice.” I was posing as a police officer.

Her brow furrowed and she made a cute little face. “I haven’t heard about any break ins.” she took another step forward.

Just one more, little mouse.

“Really? I thought for sure my partner had been around to talk to some of the owners.” I acted like I was just doing my job.

She took another step. Gotcha. I spun the needle into her neck so fast, the only reaction she had was slapping my hand away in a delayed movement. Pain flared but I shook it off. It was too late.

“W-what did you give me?” She wobbled in front of me.

As she fell to the ground, I caught the back of her head before it could hit. “Sorry,amore mio,”I whispered.

She looked so delicate. I lifted her into my arms and carried her away making sure I’d picked up anything we’d dropped. I laid her in my trunk and brushed a fallen curl off her face.

Then I went to move her car…