“Let go, Eden, and come for me again,” he commanded. “Show me I own all of you.”

Whether it was a coincidence or because of his command, I came for him. I came screaming his name. My legs shook from how powerful it was.

“You can give me one more. Just one more orgasm from this pretty pussy, then I’ll fill you up.”

The fire that I thought had been quenched roared higher. Although I knew on some level I should fight, I was tired of the battle. Why fight the inevitable? Silas and I were apparently fated. If I let myself believe, he could be my everything.

I came then, tears sliding down my face. “I’ll never leave. I’ll always be yours,” I promised.

So reckless. So dumb of me.

I felt the heat of his cum flood my pussy.



After we debarked the plane,I took Eden to meet a special friend of mine that I knew would be able to help us.

“Big Tony, what’s happening?” We shook hands then hugged outside his restaurant.

“Who’s this?” he asked in Italian.

“Hi,” Eden offered shyly. “Nice to meet you.”

“Oh! She’s an American girl!” Tony laughed, now speaking in perfect English. “Come inside! Let’s get you two something to eat.”

I ordered two pies with the works and water. I’d taken Eden multiple times over the course of the flight. We were both sore, hungry, and dehydrated.

Big Tony came over with our food and drinks. He sat one down in front of each of us, then grabbed a chair and spun it around so he could sit comfortably on it.

“Your pops know you back?”

I shook my head no.

He scoffed. “Better keep it that way.”

I nodded, but at some point, soon, I would have to make that visit.

“So, Silas, what can I do for you? There must be something big about to go down if you came home.”

“I need a place to lie low while I take care of some business.”

“I can hook you guys up with a spot, but after that, I’m out. I can’t afford to get on the wrong side of the Caputos.”

“There’s no such thing,” I assured. We werefamigliano matter what. We took vows and meant them.

We ate in companionable silence as the sweet Italian tunes played in the background. As soon as we finished eating, Tony handed me two sets of keys. One was to a simple car. The second to a small apartment.

Nothing too flashy, which suited me just fine.

We headed into the apartment and went our separate ways to get ready for bed. We were jet-lagged for sure.

I finished getting dressed first and waited for her to make her appearance. When she did, I was floored.

She stumbled into the kitchen wearing my shirt. My cock hardened at the sight. It was a primal reaction, seeing her in something of mine. It was like she was wearing a sign that said she was mine and everyone needed to keep their hands off.

She rubbed her eyes and made the cutest noise when she stretched. She went to get a glass of water. I leaned back against the counter and took her in. When our gazes finally connected, she yelped.