She shook her head, the moisture on her lashes turning into fully formed tears. “No, you don’t,” she whispered. Then she turned her back on me, laid down, and faced the wall.

I opened my mouth to reply, only to have nothing come out. I didn’t know what else to say. So, I walked back to my room, glancing back at her one last time to see if she’d changed her mind, to see if she wanted to talk a little more.

But the chasm between us was just too wide. I didn’t know how to breach it anymore. I didn’t even know if I wanted to. All I knew was that something was broken between me and my little sister. I didn’t know how to fix it, and I wasn’t sure why it was up to me to do that in the first place.

I was fourteen. Sisters fought. That was a fact of life. When I lost my virginity, I had gone to Brianna to tell her about it, but her door was locked—she was having sex again. She was the one who’d thrown me away for men, not the other way around.

I wasn’t throwing her away for dance. I’d just wanted to have this one thing to myself—this one thing. She’d understand when I got back. We had the entire rest of our lives to make up. It was just a blip. It wasn’t serious.

I wokeup in my bed with sweat pouring off my body. I hadn’t known that would be the last time I’d ever see my sister, and the memory was a scar on my mind that wouldn’t fade. I’d gone off to camp, and when I came back, she was gone forever.

Now I had to prove that I was worthy, had to make sure our legacy lived on. Nothing was going to get in my way.




I openedmy eyes to the sun glaring in from the open shade, making me squint and turn my head. It was the start of a new day, but the blonde from last night was still here. I blew out a sigh of frustration.

Memories of the night before trickled back in fragments. What was her name again? K- something. Kiki? No. Krystal? No. Kendra. I had so much whiskey last night, I couldn’t even see the stairs to my apartment when we made it here, let alone remember some random chick’s name.

I had wanted to bust one more nut before the campus was flooded with freshmen. I hated this new life. Before I was run out of my country where I had been a king. Now, I’m just some poor sap masquerading as a college scholar. If the pussy wasn’t so tight, I’d look for a job with better benefits.

While some professors didn’t mind going to the local bars to chase tail, I was a little more cautious. A student once tricked me into thinking she was a local and not affiliated with Hampton University. A few weeks after, I ran into her on campus, and it mortified her to be caught in the lie. It was a long awkward semester for both of us–me wondering if she’d report me, and her wondering if I was going to get payback. Thankfully, I never saw her again after the semester ended. I didn’t have tenure yet; I couldn’t fuck up the position I had right now.

I got out of bed quickly, hoping my actions would get this chick moving, but she didn’t budge one bit. So much for that idea. I hurried into the shower, thinking the sound of the water running would let her know our time was up. When I got out and dried off, my bed was empty, and I sighed in relief. I threw on my pressed slacks and padded to the kitchen but stopped dead in my tracks.

The chick was still here, standing in my kitchen, drinking my coffee, and wearing one of my shirts. I shook my head at the audacity, anger bubbling up hot and fast. I blew out a breath before I spoke, trying to rein my rage in.

“Uh, Kendra, is it?”

She huffed. “It’s Karen.”

Who the fuck named a child Karen in this day and age?

“Right, Karen. Look, I must get to work. Last night was fun and all, but you need to get going.” I motioned toward the door.

“Oh, I’ll see you tonight though, right?” she asked hopefully, her eyes begging me to give her the answer she wanted to hear.

What did I have to do to get it through her thick head?

“No, you won’t be seeing me tonight or any other night. This was a onetime thing, sweetheart. That you wouldn’t leave when I asked you to and you’re still here even though I don’t want you, has only cemented the decision that I won’t be calling you.” I walked over to the door and held it open for her. I widened my eyes suggestively and jerked my head toward the hallway. It was time to go.

Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment as she rushed back to the bedroom to get dressed. When she came back through, she was shooting daggers with her eyes as she let out another huff and pushed her way past me on her way out the door. I could give two fucks. For a one-night stand, she had some boundary issues.

I slammed the door behind her, my shoulders finally relaxing. This wasn’t an ordeal I wanted to repeat anytime soon. I wouldn’t be returning to the bar I found her at for at least another year. I needed to avoid her until she forgot about me.


My door rattled like something, I assumed it was her foot, battered the barrier from the outside. Startled and surprised she was still on the other side of my front door, my face contorted in disbelief.

Who just stands there after getting kicked out like that?

Shrugging, I finish my morning routine with hardly any time to spare. As I filled my travel mug, I thanked the coffee gods that Kendra, or Karen, or whatever her name was, had made coffee before I kicked her out. I missed having servants.

Frustration radiated through my veins as I looked around my tiny apartment. I was used to penthouses and mansions with underground garage parking. One fuck up and everything I knew had burned to ashes.