“What does that have to do with me? This sounds like a you problem.”
“They may kill you to get to me, and since you may already be pregnant with my child, I’m not letting that happen.”
So many words were stuck in my throat in this moment. He was insane. Delusional.
“I can’t just abandon college just because someone wants to kill you.” It made no sense to me. “People are killed around here all the time. –or are you notonlya stalker, but a serial killer as well.”
“Look we are just going to leave, and when they clear out, we can come back.”
“What about school?”
He grabbed my hand. “I’ll forge your diploma if I have to.”
It was then I knew he was certifiable. “Okay. Go pack, Silas. I’ll—I’ll be right behind you.”
He grinned at me and gave me a peck on my cheek. “Okay. Pack light. I can buy you new clothes when we get to our safe house.”
I nodded. “Will do. I’ll be quick.”
Once he was out the door, I rushed to the bathroom to overdose on birth control pill, but my pack wasn’t where I’d left it.
I rushed around and tore apart my entire apartment looking for all my pills but couldn’t find them. Three months’ worth, gone. Silas must have had something to do with it, given his insane declarations.
Fuck it. I would get Plan B in the morning, stop at the pharmacy before class.
I locked my front door, added the chain for extra protection from Silas’ stalker ass, and hopped in the shower. I wasn’t going anywhere tonight other than to bed.
I worked to wash his scent off my skin, trying not to think about how it felt before ruined the moment with his crazy talk about stalking and impregnating me and trapping me to him.
I heard the knock on the front door, but I ignored it along with my ringing cell. I was done. Silas Caputo was persona non grata. The man was crazy, and I wouldn’t let him ruin my life and everything I’d worked for.
Shaking my head,and very much irritated, I picked the lock on Eden’s door and then used my bolt cutters to get through the chain. While she showered, I put as much as I could into her suitcase. I took everything outside to my car.
When I came back, I pulled a warm blanket off the bed, then a syringe out of my coat pocket. Why Eden had to make this difficult, I did not understand. She deferred to me so easily in sex, and even when in a personal crisis, but couldn’t bring herself to trust me after I told her that someone might kill her if she stayed.
I moved so quickly that she never saw me coming. She was a wet and slippery damsel in distress for all of about ten seconds. Once she stilled, I removed my palm from her mouth and gently laid her on the blanket. As looked down at my sleeping beauty, my cock grew hard as my imagination played out all the things I had planned for us.
After wrapping her like a burrito, I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder, locked up her house, and took her to my car.
It took a couple hours to get to my safe house, which was a little beach cottage. It wasn’t paradise, but it would do for now. As long as we kept our heads down low, we would be fine. I wondered if Eden liked the beach.
I grabbed Eden first and went to the master bedroom, settling her beneath the covers. I tucked her in before using long-chained padded cuffs to secure her wrists to one side of the bed. Eden liked to sleep on her side and the left was her most preferable.
After I unpacked all of our things, I checked the supplies in the cottage. We weren’t going to run out of anything shelf stable for several weeks, and I doubted we would be here much longer than that.
Once completed with the chores, I undressed, showered, and laid down beside her. I knew the morning would bring her kicking and screaming at me, but for now, she was my peaceful little angel.
I briefly entertained the vision of her pregnant with my child. Her belly firm and round. Her tits heavy with milk. A mini me staring back at me while cuddling her legs. I could see it all so clearly in my mind. I couldn’t help the smile that overtook my face.
With those thoughts swirling in my mind, I let sleep take me under.
I took care of my early morning routine and dressed in jeans and a comfy sweater to make a quick trip to the market to get perishables. When I returned, to my surprise, Eden was still sleeping. I figured she must be overly exhausted. I knew the drug had long worn off, but she was still in a sound slumber.