I felt Silas coming before I saw him.

“Is there a problem here?” Silas tugged my shirt from behind, pulling me closer into his body. I had to stop myself from breathing in his scent. I knew my face flamed red by how hot my cheeks got. I had tried and failed not to interrupt the lecture.

“Not at all, Professor Caputo,” I gushed. “Bradley here was just telling me I could have his seat.” I looked down at the frat boy, whose real name I didn’t know, pointedly. “He’s such a gentleman.”

Before I could say anything else, Silas chuckled and smacked his shoulder hard. “That’s nice of you, Bradley. But could you hurry? Some of us are here to learn Italian, not flirt with all the ladies.”


Professor Caputo held up his hand. “It’s your fourth time taking my introductory class, yes?”

Silas may have been smiling, but his eyes were flashing. If I didn’t know better, I would say he was angry right now.

“Yeah.” Bradley started gathering his things, grumbling under his breath while he did so.

Our teacher stepped back, giving the frat boy the barest inch to pass. He then motioned for me to take my seat and headed back to the podium.

“As I was saying,” he continued.

I got out all my materials as quickly as I could. I sat my half-eaten bagel on the desk as I pulled out my colored pens and notebook. The lecture went by quickly with no other interruptions, and, as everyone was packing up to leave, Silas called out to me.

“Come to my office when you’re finished, Ms. Johnson.” His tone brooked no argument.

I was in trouble. I knew it. I shouldn’t even be in a room with Silas alone, and yet I gave him a reason to see me. I should have never been late. The bagel wasn’t worth it.

I finished packing and headed to his office.

As soon as I was over the threshold, he glanced up. “Close the door behind you and have a seat.”

I did as he directed, closed the door, and sat down. I waited, my breath caught in my chest. He looked so sexy with his shirt sleeves rolled up, showing tattoos that didn’t seem very professor-like at all. I wanted to trace my fingertips on every single one.

Silas cleared his throat, and I forced myself to meet his gaze, knowing he had caught me.

“Why were you late to my lecture, Ms. Johnson?”

He exuded masculine sexuality. As much as this seemed like an innocent meeting, I didn’t think it was. Other students had been late before and not called to the office. So why was I?

Fuck him. He’d been tormenting me for weeks with his nightly conquests. It was time for him to get a taste of his own medicine.

I leaned forward, teasing him with a glimpse of the swell of my breasts. “I’m sorry, Professor Caputo. My alarm didn’t go off on time this morning.”

“You found time to stop for breakfast,” he countered.

I pondered his words with wide eyes. “Oh. You’re right. I did do that,” I mused. “Oops. I guess I need to be punished after all.”

Silas rose from his chair like a dark angel. He snatched my throat up with one hand, then swept the papers off his desk with the other. I gasped when strong fingers circled my waist, and he effortlessly lifted my weight to sit me on top. It was all happening so fast.

Before I could protest, his mouth covered mine.

It wasn’t a soft kiss, nor was it sweet. His tongue invaded my mouth, and I was swept away by the taste of him, the way he conquered my senses. It was hard and rough, just as I imagined kissing him would be.

He broke it off suddenly.

“Make sure it doesn’t happen again,” he growled against my lips. Then he released my throat like he hadn’t just fucked my mouth with his tongue the way I’d imagined him fucking my pussy with his cock.

I blinked at him as he went to his office door, my mind trying to tell me something, but I couldn’t put together a single thought.

“Our meeting is over, Ms. Johnson.” He gestured to the exit. “I’m a busy man.”