“What does that mean?”
“I need your specialized kills.”
His eyes widened, and I knew. He didn’t need any elaboration. I opened my wallet and pulled out a wad of bills. His eyes grew wider still, but his expression soon morphed to one of longing as he stared at the bills. I knew I had him.
“What can I do for you professor?”
I grinned and sat back “For starters, can you tap into a cell phone remotely?”
“Easy.” He opened his laptop, and once he was ready, I gave him all the information I had on one Eden Johnson. An hour later, I had access to Eden’s phone and Samuel was working on gathering all the information on her he could find. I needed to know everything about my woman. It would be better if she told me herself, but we weren’t there yet, and I couldn’t wait.
When we were finished, I dragged Samuel back to my apartment to check my setup before Eden got home.
“Man, this is weird. Why can’t you just talk to her or something? This is next level creeper status.”
Samuel was spinning in a chair in my apartment while he waited for the software he was installing on my computer to finish so I could monitor her communications from there, as well as my phone. I needed him to make sure everything was hooked up correctly, and it wasn’t like I could call the Geek Squad to help me spy on my future wife.
“I told you before, it’s against school policy if I’m her professor, which I will be next semester,” I reminded him.
He clucked his tongue at me like he was an old lady.
“She is hot as fuck. If she doesn’t want you, maybe I should ask her out.” He mused.
I crushed the bottle of water I was drinking. Rage running through my veins. I had to stop myself from reaching over and crushing his larynx between my fingers. He’s not worth it; I kept telling myself. He was but a young child who didn’t know who he was fucking with.
All these CPUs were making my tiny apartment hotter than normal. That, or my temper, was getting the best of me.
“Touch her and it will be the last thing you do on this earth,” I snarled.
I wasn’t above killing for my Eden. I would do whatever I had to. No matter what it took.
“I was just joking, man.” Samuel gulped as he felt the anger clearly radiating off my body and hesitantly turned back to the computer he was working on.
He glanced back at me several times as if unsure it was safe to turn his back to me. Good. He should be nervous. I popped my neck and attempted to stuff all my rage back into the box. The idea of him or any man approaching my Eden caused my blood to boil but I had to calm down. I couldn’t kill Samuel. Not while I still needed him. But he needed to know he couldn’t test me either.
Soon, Samuel was gone, and Eden was home. I settled back in my chair, sipping my whiskey and watching her. Her clothes were darker than usual today, I noticed. Something she did when she was feeling a little blue. I could fix that. I could make her body shake and her heart fill with elation. My first instinct was to climb into her window, then bed, and hold her close. But she wasn’t ready for that. Not yet. I couldn’t wait to hold her in my arms and make her feel happy. The idea gave me a rush of pleasure.
As she bent to take her shoes off, I choked on my drink when I realized that anyone could have seen a slip of her nipple if she leaned forward in that top. I clutched the glass tighter as the anger I always tried so hard to control reared its head. No way would she walk around like that when we were together. I wouldn’t be able to fight all the men looking at her. It was bad enough seeing the looks she got around campus. While she had her beautiful head in the clouds, I saw the wolves sniffing around her, trying to break a piece off in her. I growled at the thought of someone touching my Eden, and the noise bounced off the empty walls of the apartment. She was mine. Even if she didn’t know it yet.
The ringing of her phone drew me out of my brooding. I leaned forward, but the angle of the phone made it difficult to see who was calling her. I opened the software on my other computer and saw it was a call from a number saved under ‘The Bitch’.
Interesting…I wonder who that could be?
I wouldn’t find out, because Eden hung up the call just as soon as it came through. I copied the number from her contacts and sent it off to Samuel so he could track it down. It was nice to have him on my team, even if he made me want to put his head through a fucking wall.
Eden started taking off her outfit, and it jerked me out of my thoughts about Samuel. This was part of her nightly ritual. If she started undressing as soon as she got home, I knew she was staying in. Eden was a good girl. Studious, didn’t party. She already had her eyes on the prize, even at twenty. I couldn’t help admiring her. Her determination was sexy.
She took off her clothes and put on a huge T-shirt that swallowed her perfect little body. At first, I was angry that she was wearing another man’s shirt. But after watching her for a while, I realized they probably didn’t belong to an ex-boyfriend. No, she treated them reverently. If I had to guess, they belonged to someone she lost. I preferred to believe they belonged to a deceased family member rather than some nameless dude she was pining over. I wasn’t crazy enough to think she was untouched, but a guy could dream.
Instead of putting on the shirt like normal, Eden stood in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom, touching her body. Watching her fingers slide over her skin mesmerized me. I wasn’t sure if she knew she was putting on a show, but she enraptured me, nonetheless. She touched her breasts lightly, just enough to make the nipples perk up. My cock hardened at the thought of biting them. There were so many things I wanted to do to her. I unbuckled my belt and dropped my pants. I palmed my growing erection, smirking at how hard I already was. I was always hard for her. It was the sweetest kind of torture.
As she touched herself, so did I. I stroked in time to her slow caresses, rubbing myself as she played with her clit. I was worried she was going to come before me, which had never happened to us before, so I started stroking more fervently. Faster and faster, I moved, trying to keep up with her. She had moved to her bed now, was lying back and rubbing herself. Her thighs were shaking, and her head turned restlessly from side to side, a sign I’d learned to recognize meant she was getting ready to orgasm. I didn’t want to be left behind. She knew exactly what her body liked. If I was there, I would’ve teased her for hours until she was begging for me to let her come.
“Silas,” she whimpered.
I came apart at my name on her lips, groaning as I spilled into my hand.