I stomped my foot. “I won’t until you answer me! Did my mom know that you hurt Brianna?”
My uncle sauntered up close and used the tip of the gun to lift my chin. “I didn’t hurt your sister unless she misbehaved. I loved her. And of course, your mother knew. She selfishly kept you for herself.” He trailed the gun down my throat and cleavage. “I answered your question. Now take off your clothes.”
God! Did my mom have us kids for the sole purpose of giving us to our uncle? What sick, twisted mess of a woman would do that to her children?
Once all my clothes were off and I was naked before him, I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to cover up. His eyes raking over my body made me feel dirty, made my skin feel like it was crawling with ants.
“Lower your arms,” he demanded. “Let me see you.”
I forced myself to comply and mentally checked out. I thought of Silas. God, I didn’t realize how much I loved him until now. At this point, even if he had killed my mother, I wouldn’t care. My mother and my uncle were monsters. Poor Brianna.
“Perfect,” he growled.
He walked around me like I was a prize mare he was looking to buy. His hands started groping my body, lifting and rubbing and exploring all the crevices.
“They’re so full now,” he breathed, testing the weight of my breasts in his palms.
His hot breath was rank, and it made my stomach roil in protest. I stayed still, even though my body was screaming to get away. Was this what Brianna had gone through every night? No wonder she took her own life so young.
“Lay down.” He pushed me toward my childhood bed. I didn’t even know why it was here. This was a level of sickness I couldn’t comprehend.
I could feel the tears sliding down my face. Where was the rage? The hate? The blame? I was fierce and independent. I wanted to fight. I needed to fight. But I didn’t. I needed to survive so I could escape.
He couldn’t break me. I wouldn’t let him break me. This was but a moment. And one day, I vowed I would make him pay for it.
He climbed on the mattress, smothering my body with his own. I stifled a whimper. “I’m sorry I chose her over you, pumpkin. You are my special girl. It’s always been you. She wasn’t good enough. Never. I called your name every single time.”
His dark confession confused and enraged me because I knew he was lying. I listened to Brianna’s secret liaisons all the time, and I never heard him say my name. I might not have known it was a family member coming into her room, but that didn’t change what I heard coming out of there.
Bile rose in my throat. This sick fuck had been raping Brianna for years. Meanwhile, instead of talking to my baby sister, I sat on my high horse and judged her.
I deserved what was about to happen. It should’ve been me all along.
The sound of an unsnapping button and a zipper drawing down barely registered in the here and now. I thought of Brianna’s face when she begged and pleaded to go with me or my mother.
A sob crept out of my throat. I cried for the illusion of my childhood. The utter lie that was my family. The sheer heartbreak my dad would’ve had if he’d known what was happening in his own house. I thought of all the times I had left Brianna at home when she’d begged me to take her along.
“Aren’t you glad I got rid of your dad?” he asked as he violated me. “He would’ve gotten in our way again.”
I was as dry as the desert, but my uncle didn’t seem to care. I was glad it hurt—that it burned. I wanted my body to do nothing to make this easier, to make the sick asshole think I enjoyed it.
“Eden, my precious Eden, you feel glorious,” he breathed into my ear, and thrust harder and harder. “You’re so much tighter than your mother. Your pussy was made for me.”
I nearly choked on the vomit hitting the back of my throat. His growing excitement made me want to die. Soon he had found his rhythm, and I stared at the ceiling while he tried to arouse me by licking and kissing my breasts.
His loud grunts and disgusting words of encouragement made me understand why Brianna had departed the world the way she had. This was probably only a fraction of what she went through.
He sped up, trying to make me feel something with his pathetic dick.
I love you.
I need you.
I want you.
My special pumpkin.
I didn’t want him to use me anymore. I tried to get away. Crawling to the closet door and forcing myself to summon the mental fortitude to open it. Flies flew out as soon as the door opened, and I gagged at the sight before me. There was a woman in here. Her long brown hair was limp and brittle. Her eyes were sunken and her body showed signs of her beginning to decay. She had to have been here for a few days, at least. I must not have noticed the smell over my own vomit and Darren’s filth. He climbed back on top of me and resumed like there wasn’t a dead body right there. I refused to look away. She deserved to be remembered. She looked like me. I had a moment where I believed this was my future. There was no getting out. No one would be rescuing me.