That earns a single raised eyebrow. I squeeze my thighs together as my insides longingly clench. He notices. And he notices that I notice that he notices. And my face burns. But before the situation can drift into naughtier waters, my stomach gives such a loud growl that a couple of vampires and drones turn to look at us. Argh! Disaster Polly is back on the scene to ruin the mood.
"How can you still be hungry?" Vincent asks incredulously. "You just ate an entire tray of appetizers."
I flush bright red. "Hey, a champion needs calories to perform at a high level."
He grins that little grin that is so rare. "Are you comparing us fucking to the Olympics?"
My stomach growls again before I can give a clever retort. More venomous looks are thrown at us. Vincent chuckles, then rises from our seat and gently pulls me along by the leash.
"Come where?" I whisper.
"We'll take care of your needs, little dove."
* * *
Turns out,Vincent was actually talking about food.
Not twenty minutes later, I find myself in a posh downtown restaurant — the linen tablecloth alone probably costs more than my entire canceled education — and a tight-lipped waiter serves me a pizza with pepperonis and mozzarella, a dish clearly beneath his usual standards.
It is so delicious I might cry if I wasn’t busy wolfing this thing down. But after the first few ravenous bites, I look up. Vincent eyes me while sipping from his wine glass, which is filled with blood.
Strange how quickly something like this becomes normal.
"Sorry," I mutter with my mouth full, put the slice down and pick up the fork instead, chewing as slowly as I can manage. He shakes his head, chuckling.
"Don't be," he says. "It's my fault. I need to feed you better."
"No need to forget my manners," I say, trying to delicately stab the fork into the pizza and saw off a microscopic piece. "Grandma would flip if she saw me in a fancy place like this and chowing down food like a boa constrictor."
He chuckles. And I like the sound of it. More than I should.
"Never mess with your grandma."
"Nah, better not." I eye him as I cut at my pizza. "Aren't you eating?"
I know vampires eat. In addition to their blood consumption. Most of them, though, according to the stereotype, are snobby gourmets and only deign to eat solid food when it's the highest of holidays or something.
"If you don't mind, I'll restrain myself until you're restored."
Translation: I'll bite you later. And all that goes with it. Because when Vincent bites me there is no stopping us both. I blush again.
"Don't strain yourself, old man," I murmur, shoving another delicious bite into my mouth. My taste buds dance with delight.
"Careful, dove." He grins wolfishly, setting down his glass. "Your sass might come back to bite you."
"Pun intended, I guess."
He chuckles again and I can’t help but smile.
I could spend all evening cracking his armor. Luring Mr. Bogeyman Vampire out of his defenses is my new favorite thing.
Well, almost. Once more, my thoughts take off into completely inappropriate realms. To quickly change the subject I ask the first thing that pops to mind.
"Why are you so good at poker?"
This earns me a dark look. "Why do you want to know, pigeon?"