Page 100 of Sick of You

He grinned. “Yeah, no, you got the meaning loud and clear.”

Davis leaned down to tentatively brush his lips against mine, as if asking permission. I slid my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, standing on my toes to bring our lips together again. After a moment of surprise, Davis’s kiss was sweet and sure. He moved one of his hands to gently cradle my head, unhurried as his lips moved over mine, like we were both right where we needed to be and had every intention of lingering here as long as possible.

Everything that had felt wrong and off-kilter since the day I’d taken his phone began shifting back into place. This kiss was a sunrise after a long, dark night. It was a beginning.

With a final sweet peck, Davis relaxed to just hold me. “Have I ever told you I love you in yellow?” he asked.

“Should I invest in my own personal hazmat suit?”

Davis rolled his eyes good-naturedly.

“No,” I finally answered. “You haven’t told me that. You haven’t told me anything you love about me.”

“Oh, well.” He tipped his face down toward me, locking his eyes on mine. “I love the way that you give so much to other people. I love how caring you are. I love how smart you are.”

“Does all that make up for what I did?”

He contemplated that a moment. “You didn’t do it to hurt me,” he pointed out. “And clearly you regret it. And... maybe I was pushing you away again. Like an idiot. So I don’t know how you could forgive me.”

“Maybe... we’re allowed to make mistakes?”

Davis scoffed. “That can’t be right.”

I formed a tiny o with my lips, covering them with my fingertips. “Oh dear, are you telling me... I’m mistaken?”

“No. You’re flat-out wrong.”

I slid my arms around him again. “Yeah, Iwaswrong. I was wrong to judge you, and I was wrong inhowI judged you.”

“Have you changed your mind?”

I made anehface. “You do want to both hire and date me.”

“You know, I’m starting to rethink at least one of these offers.” He pursed his lips, and I laughed.

“Yes,” I finally said. “I know that you’re not just an entitled, spoiled brat who thinks he can get away with anything.”

“Not...just... ?”

“Well, youarea platinum member.”

“I’m trying to use my powers for good these days.”

I smiled up at him. “I know. It shows.”

“And it would be nice to have someone care about me who wasn’t on my payroll.”

“Sign me up for that... volunteer position, then?” I waited a moment to make sure he knew I was serious before I continued. “You care about people, too. I feel like not many people have seen who you really are. I’m starting to understand that, and what you’ve been through, but I can’t wait to know you even more.”

He gave me another quick kiss, but then he pulled back, thinking. “Do you think you could still do the literature review and the marketing stuff though?” he asked. “It would look better coming from a doctor. And of course I’d pay you for your work.”

I pretended to consider it. “Maybe we can do a 1099 deal.”

He matched my contemplation. “Does that deal disallow dating?”

“Don’t think so. Do you desire a date?”

He grinned. “Definitely.”