Page 39 of Bailey

“Good enough not to kill us while I suck your dick?”

“Better,” he replied. The arm around my shoulders tugged me closer, his hand running up my back to my head, urging it into his lap. I happily obliged, licking him base to tip teasingly. When I took him entirely into my mouth, he jerked the wheel, causing the truck to jump to the side.

“Are you sure you can handle this?” I teased, lapping at the head of his cock. “Maybe I should stop.”

“Don’t you fucking dare,” He growled, pushing my mouth back onto his cock and holding me down as he thrust into my mouth. I relaxed my throat and let him use my mouth, getting turned on more and more by the force he was using. If this had happened near the beginning of our relationship, I would have beat myself up about enjoying myself, but not anymore. I fucking loved it.

I focused on breathing through my nose as I swallowed and moaned around his cock to make sure that he knew I was enjoying myself as much as he was. I felt the truck start to slow, so I grazed my teeth lightly against him in warning, causing him to tense and slam his foot back down on the gas pedal.

“Take it,” he growled a short time later as he came. “Don’t waste a drop. Swallow it, all of it.” I swallowed as fast as I could until he finally pulled me off him. He captured my lips and kissed me. “Thank you for that,” he said when he finally released me.

“You’re more than welcome,” I told him, snuggling against him happily. My mind wandered the rest of the ride home. I felt good. Really good. Not just about the guys but about my preparation for winter. I don’t think I’ve ever been this ready. It was nice not to worry.

Chapter seventeen


Iwatchedtheyounggirl huddled against her mother’s side as she nibbled on a piece of jerky. The tiny blonde was skin and bones… weak… vulnerable… just how I liked them. She and her parents had just arrived at our camp less than an hour ago, and the leader of our little community was busy getting to know them while they ate around the fire. We didn’t have much and slept in tents, but it was more than this little family had.

I was contemplating the possibilities of taking this little morsel for myself and the possible retribution that may come of it when something the father said caught my attention.

“What did you just say?”

“I said that it isn’t fair how we have to live like this when others, like that bitch, Bailey, are set up in cushy farmhouses with electricity, heat, and air conditioning. As if the apocalypse never even touched them.”

“Her name was Bailey? What did she look like?” Could it be her? After all of this time searching, could it be her?

“She had brown hair and brown eyes,” the man replied. “Do you know her?”

“Maybe. I was separated from my children many years back. Was there a younger man with her?”

“There were several men with her,” the woman scoffed, “but none who looked younger.”

I had long since accepted that Bailey and Matty had likely died, but part of me had always hoped to find her again. “Where does she live?” I asked. “I have to check and see if she is my beloved daughter.” I grinned at the man’s daughter, causing her to shrink closer to her mother. It looks like today was her lucky day and mine. I had no interest in playing with her when there was a chance I could play with Bailey instead.

I left immediately for the trek to the farm the man said Bailey was living at. It was a half-day trek, and while I should have waited until daybreak to leave, my anticipation was too high, so instead, I walked through the night and arrived at the farm mid-morning.

I stayed hidden in the trees as I watched the house. I was impressed by the setup and understood the man’s anger. Some people got all the luck. I watched four men leave the house with a dog hot on their heels. None of them were Matty. They were doing work around the property, and I kept a passive eye on them while I stayed focused on the door.

Finally, it opened again, and another man hobbled out on crutches. It wasn’t him who had my attention. It was the woman who followed him out. Bailey. It really was her. My dick started to harden at the sight of her. She had grown up well—my lost little toy. I palmed my dick as I felt it begin to leak inside my pants. You never forget your first, and while she was now too old for my taste, I could still see the child I had once known when I looked at her.

I wanted to rush in right away, but I knew better. I couldn’t lose everything right when I found her again. This was obviously her home, and she wasn’t going anywhere. With winter coming, I could return to my camp and start planning our joyful reunion. I stayed in the woods for the rest of the day, watching her laugh and seeing how happy she was. This pleased me. The happier she was, the happier it would make me when I destroyed it all, when I destroyed her.

When I finally returned to my camp late that night, the man who had met Bailey approached me. “Not her, then?” he asked.

“Not her,” I lied. My eyes caught on his daughter across the camp, and he followed my gaze.

“Daughters are a precious gift, aren’t they? I’m sorry yours is lost,” the man said.

“The most precious of gifts,” I agreed as my mind began to work out my plans for Bailey.

Chapter eighteen

Isippedmyteaand rocked the swing gently as I enjoyed the quiet of the morning. Witch sitting at my feet, ears twitching as she listened to the waking day. Spring was here, and I only had a light blanket around my shoulders to protect myself from the lingering cold of the night. The past winter with the guys had been one of the best I’ve ever had. Not just for practical reasons, but it was nice to have companionship that wasn’t my brother.

It took all winter, but I’ve accepted that I love them. Mostly. It still scared me. I was also nervous because Spring’s arrival reminded me that we had agreed to reevaluate our situation when Spring came. Did I want them to go? Was that the right course? Did they want to go? The uncertainty of it unnerved me. Maybe this was only meant to last a season, and it was time to cut them loose for all of our sakes before someone got hurt.

The screen door opened, and I watched Gray limp out. He was in an air cast now and should be as good as new in a few weeks. Was that all the time I had left with them? Three weeks? He rested against the railing across from me and crossed his arms over his chest, his biceps bulging. He watched me silently for several minutes before speaking softly.