Legion and Asmodeus circled the two. Legion looked cockier than Asmodeus, who had a tiny smirk on his face.
“You wanted to hurt women and children, Mayor?” Mephistopheles said, his voice deeper and threatening.
Donald’s face turned red as he shook his head, his wide eyes bouncing between the two men who circled around him like hungry vultures waiting for their next meal.
Mephistopheles stepped next to the mayor. He yanked the duct tape off of Donald’s mouth. The old man yelled, sending chills through me.
“L-look, I’ll pay you. J-just let me go,” Mayor Connell begged, his voice shaky and croaked.
Legion stopped in front of the old man and crouched so he looked up at Donald with a grin. “Your money means nothing to us, human.”
“Wh-what?” Donald glanced at the three men before his sight passed them to me. He shot me a confused look before recognition lit his face. “Ava! I never thought I’d see you again. I heard about you disappearing. Did you do this? Did you . . .” His eyes widened before they narrowed. “Did youpray?”
I shifted in my seat, uncomfortable that he would blame me for him finally losing power. I glanced away from him, unable to hold his gaze.
Legion smacked Donald’s cheek. “Hey, don’t look at her. Look at me.” He slapped Donald’s face again as the old Christian man leaned forward.
“Ava!” Donald yelled. “Ava! This is all your fault!”
Legion smacked Donald, which sent the old man’s face to the side. I gasped and turned my face toward them, watching Donald turn his head and reveal his bloody and busted lip. It quivered with a silent cry, and his eyes held a sheen in them.
Legion crouched and placed his arms on his bent knees as he cocked his head to make Donald look at him.
“You won’t be speaking to my girl like that again,” Legion said in a cool manner.
I caught Asmodeus as he grabbed something from the table and handed it over to Legion, who took it. The Russian demon squeezed the handles of what looked like oversized scissors.
Donald whimpered and shook his head. “No, please! Please don’t!”
Legion tsked and jerked his head at Donald. “Open your mouth.”
The old man shook his head. The loose skin under his chin and neck jiggled with the movement.
I caught the slight movement of Legion’s head as he looked at Mephistopheles and Asmodeus. Mephistopheles moved and grabbed the sides of Donald’s head in a tight grip. Asmodeus curled his fingers on Donald’s jaw, forcing him to open his mouth, and clutched his tongue. The old man snapped his teeth but only dug into Asmodeus’s knuckles.
Asmodeus snickered. “Bite me all you want because your teeth are next.”
My stomach knotted, and I felt a little nauseous with all the promises of what they’d do to him.
“He deserves it,”a voice said from beside me.
I turned my head toward it and saw a tiny woman crouched beside my chair. She had long, greasy blonde hair and bright green eyes.
“Maybe he does,” I found myself saying.
The skinny woman turned her face toward me, a smirk curling her lip.“We should play some music that goes with this. What song do you think would go with a man losing his tongue and teeth?”
I snickered. “That techno song ‘Murder In My Mind’ would fit the theme.”
“Baby girl,” a voice called through the fog of my mind.
The woman’s lips stretched into a grin.“Oh, that’s good. What about ‘Bones’ by Imagine Dragons?”
I sang a line to the song aloud with a laugh.
The song died on my tongue, and I turned my attention to the three demons who watched me with their eyebrows raised. Legion had a smirk on his face and rubbed the blood off his face with his forearm. Donald had slumped forward and must’ve passed out. Blood steadily dripped from his parted lips and landed on the cement floor.