Page 45 of Raven's Spectre

I still had the scent of the Seer’s blood on me, and when I looked down at my white jacket, crimson pooled at the cuff. I grunted in disgust. She’d begged for her and father’s life but who told her to fuck with the Devil. I mean I have a reputation to uphold.

I still remember how the tears in her eyes had turned to black tar as I’d slowly and torturously taken her soul. It was so obnoxiously bright as I’d looked into her eyes, but she’d committed enough sin to get out of that evil place they call paradise. I saw it all, her childhood, how she’d fucked a married man, how she liked the power of the earth in her hands, and how my Spectre had come into her world.

I stopped searching then, pausing on the moment he revealed those damn sigils. Humans weren’t privy to that information which made me think Serge had something to do with it. But when I paid him a visit, that fucking succubus had played her games. She thought that by sucking my cock it would make me forget her betrayal, but the bitch had me literally by the balls. I allowed her that. Her twat was still tight and ripe for the taking. And I loved how she trembled from the pain I inflicted. Over and over, I’d made her orgasm as I tore into her heart. She’d scream and laugh in delight, already dead, already manipulating that darkness. It was always a thrill taking out my lust on her, but in the end she was protecting that immortal.

By the time she had sucked everything she wanted from me, he’d run off like a good little puppy. It irked me that I had to play this cat and mouse game.I didn’t have time for this, I had souls to corrupt. So I decided I’d have to get a trap to catch the mouse later. Instead, I had another pet to trap.

Slowly, I sauntered up the steps to their little pretend home. Smiling, I did the one thing I knew best. I made my main entrance.

With a click of my fingers the windows burst into a thousands shards, the wood of the door splintered and burst open, while the ground beneath the house shook as the earth quaked beneath it. I heard a scream and as I entered I found them, huddled in a corner, half naked.

“You couldn’t just keep your dick in your pants and your hands off my property, could you biker.”

“How did you…” slowly his eyes widened as the realization that those sigils on his arms didn’t offer much protection any more.

As I walked in, I swiped over the mantle, a coating of dusting dirtying my finger and I swiped it off. “Your Seer was more than willing to show me what she’d done.”

“What did you do to her?”

I laughed. “Why? Are you going to start making deals for her life too?”

“You son of a bitch!” He lunged at me and with a simple flick of the wrist, I flung him aside.

I hadn’t come here for him, he was just a useless tool. No, I came here for her. “You are everything I ever wanted.” She trembled in fear and I fed off it, inhaling that delicious scent.

“Don’t touch her!” Once again I had to sit the animal down.

“Sit and be a good dog,” I patted his head as I approached her.

"Ah, the cursed one. Your bloodline has been a thorn in my side for far too long."

In a swift motion, I extended my hand, summoning dark tendrils of the power that ensnared Raven. She cried out as I sifted through her essence, pulling out the best parts and making her relive her torture. She screamed and ohhhh, how I could feel her fighting. Such a beautiful soul to use. I lifted her from the ground while her agonized cries pierced the air, as her lover watched from his perch on his knees.

“Let her go,” he snarled at me, and I barked back at him, mocking him.

“Stupid human. Did you actually think you can defeat the Lucifer? Have you not read my books, I hear their quite the read,” I smiled at him before issuing a lashing across his face.

I started to walk towards the entrance of the house when I was suddenly stopped in my tracks. I pulled against whatever force it was but my feet kept sinking as if in quicksand. When I looked back, the human was standing, a cross in his hand while he prayed.

I laughed out loud. “I’m not a demon you fucking idiot. That shit doesn’t work on me.”

He stared at my feet and smiled. “You sure about that.”

In my rage, I released Raven, sending her crashing to the floor before I reached for the damn Bastard but I couldn’t move.

“She’s not yours, Lucifer.”

“What did you do?”

“She’s mine,” he stated. “In every way. Her soul belongs to me.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I spat.

And that’s when the melody began. A soft whisper of notes that pulled at me. The raven was singing as she cowered in the corner.I shook my head, as if drugged, while her music lulled me.

“Stop!” I screamed, my rage flooding the small house, making the room shake.

Her voice continued to come over me, and I couldn’t move. I cursed that being above me. Cursed with all my might as I knew this was his doing.