Page 23 of Raven's Spectre

Virgil, sitting in the back of the bar leaned forward, that ominous shadow following him around like a second skin. “What happened?”

I looked around the room and hesitated for a brief moment. Bulldog was the one who cut the silence. “Talk boy, or I swear to God.”

“You were wrong,” I looked at Virgil. “God ain’t around for this fight.”

He nodded. “You’d be surprised.”

“Bullshit. Lucifer’s real and now he’s got me in some kind of warped head lock I don’t know how to get the fuck out of.”

“”What does that mean, brother?” Saddle asked.

“It means if I don’t do what he’s asked, he’ll tear my family out of heaven and…” I stopped myself, staring into each of their faces. I felt ashamed of what I’d done. I let my emotions get the best of me and I’d put them all in danger without them knowing. Maybe that was for the best. Keeping them in the dark. At least then, they would suffer the worry.

“And there’s a woman. A beautiful fucking woman who’s in danger.”

“And you’re gonna save her?” Bulldog asked.

I smirked and shook my head. “I’m supposed to trap her, bring her to him.”

I stood up, spreading my arms in an exaggerated fashion. “You’re looking at Lucifer’s newest servant.”

“Well, fuck,”Sadlle stated.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself, brother.”

Virgil’s voice carried an edge to it as he spoke. “You don’t believe in God?”

I turned to him, a slow rage burning in me. “Why should I? He’s not here when I need him. He never has been.”

“Doesn’t mean he’s not watching.”

“And what the fuck good is that to me? How does that help me?”

“You’ve created a purgatory of your own. You have the choice…”

“You know what,” I cut him. “I’m fucking done with all these choices. I don’t want to hear it.”

“Well hear this, brother. You don’t have to be the devil’s servant. You have your own free-will. It’s up to you if you let him corrupt it.”

I took the last few strides toward him, slamming my empty beer bottle on the table before him, practically snarling down at him. “I cut a deal with the Devil,brother,”I emphasized the word, letting him know that I didn’t consider him one. “I don’t think there’s any more corruption to my soul that can be done.”

Virgil nodded. “You’re absolutely right, brother.” His statement made me take a step back.

“Just do me a favor. Remember one thing, and this will be the last thing I’ll say to you about this.”

I nodded, still guarded but willing to hear him out. “Your soul may be corrupted but that doesn’t mean there’s no room for redemption. Remember that God forgives those who want to be forgiven. Show true penance and you’ll see light filter in.”

I turned away from him, because in my heart I knew he was right. My eyes landed on Bulldog who didn’t look as convinced. “What are you planning, Liam?”

“For now, I want to see that woman again.”

“”You got a woman?” Siege asked as he walked into the last part of the conversation.”

“Seems like it,” Saddle stated.

“Well hot damn, didn’t think anyone could ever fill that empty void of yours.”

“She’s not my woman,” I grunted.”