But another man appeared, and I reacted quickly, punching him in the nose and trapping him against the wall with my forearm pressed to his neck. I aimed my gun at his temple, and one shot was all it took for him to stop struggling. As I checked the hall, I realized there were more men than I had counted before. I quickly changed my plans, tucking my gun into my waistband and grabbing my keys.

Running to the bedroom, I slung the woman onto my back and headed towards the back way out that Riddick had invested in. It was hidden from view and led to the first floor. As we entered the bar, I took out my gun, ready for a confrontation. They hadn't made their way in yet, but the man was still standing under the streetlight.

Catalina stirred in my arms, and I gently set her down by the front door. "Catalina. Catalina, wake up," I said, slapping her a few times until her eyes fluttered open. "Come on, baby. I need you to wake up," I urged her, giving her a shake.

She moaned and tried to push me off, but I grabbed her face and forced her to look at me. "Catalina, look at me. It's Snare," I said, hoping to jog her memory.

"Snare." She whispered my name although she still didn’t recognize me.

“That’s right.”

She started to become more alert. “Where’s Riddick?”

“Riddick isn’t here.”

"Who are you?" she asked, still confused.

"I'm a friend," I replied, hoping to gain her trust.

Suddenly, her fingers dug into my arms, her nails piercing my skin as her eyes widened with fear. "They're going to kill me. Please, you have to help me!"

“Shhh.” I placed my hand over her mouth. "I'm here to help you, gorgeous, but we have to be smart about this. I’m going to need your help, okay?"

She shook as I gave a quick glance out the window. It was only a matter of time before they realized their counterparts were taking too long.

"Listen. You see that bike right there."

She took a quick glance out the window, ducking quickly as the man outside shifted.

"Yeah, I see it."

"When I give the signal, you run like hell towards that bike."

I turned to the door, but she held onto me, stopping me. "Where are you going?"

"You saw that guy out there?"

She gave me a brief nod. Her eyes wide with fear.

"I'm about to put two bullets in his skull."

"What?" She let out a terrified breath. "No. No, you can't do that. They'll kill you."

"Listen, baby. No one's going to do any killing tonight, other than me. Now you wait on my signal."

Her hands drifted away from me as I got up from the floor. She gripped my hand, and I looked down at her.

"Be careful.” She whispered, the words tugging at my cold heart.

I was ready to take out the man outside. "Stay here and wait for my signal," I instructed before heading towards the door.

I looked back at her. “Just trust me. Do as I say or you’ll get us both killed.”

She nodded. "Okay."

I stepped out of the building and approached the man, his brow furrowing in confusion as I got closer. Despite his shouting being lost in the thunder and howling wind, I could see the fear in his eyes as I signaled to Catalina. She quickly ran towards the bike while he was distracted, and I fired two shots into his head when I was just two feet away from him.

He stumbled back against a lamp post, and I raced towards Catalina as the rain poured down on us. I jumped on the motorcycle behind her, revving up the engine as we sped down the road, passing by two unmarked vehicles and heading towards the clubhouse.