We’re bonded. As mates, she is allowed to know of Sombra—but maybe it would be a kindness to help her forget.

Glaine is the only one here that doesn’t understand the human tongue. Hope, in her panic, reverted to her language which has the other demon frowning.

“What is she saying?”

Loki translates. “She wants to know why we are here. I don’t think she understands how Sammael was able to summon her… or why we have him in chains.”

“Then maybe we should give her her own pair and bring her back to Sombra with us like I thought.”

Hope gasps. Glaine doesn’t know English, but Hope? With my essence, she can understandhim.

Put her in chains?Never.

The cuffs aren’t completely sealed. I can still access my magic. I could erase myself from Hope’s heart, knowing she will always have mine.

I lift my hands… and then I do nothing but wait for a few moments before I turn to Loki and tell him, “Seal the chains, Loki. Glaine, I am ready to face the duke. But you must promise to leave Hope to her human world.”

Glaine hesitates for a moment, then he nods.

Loki moves forward, waving his hands over the cuffs. The moment he seals them, it’s like someone has put a damper on my bend. Hope is closed off from me, leaving only a trace of her essence to keep me company.

The way she stumbles forward, I’m sure she feels the same—and she doesn’t understand it. That’s the last emotional burst I received from my mate: confusion, followed by a determination to rescue me from my fate.

“Sammael?” Hope looks from me to Glaine and Loki, then back. “What? No!”

My heart aches, but I will do anything to keep my mate safe.

Anything, except allow her to forget me.




He’s gone.

I only just got to know Sammael, and he’sgone.

The shadowy figure with the scowl and the glowing green eyes nudged him in the back and, with one last forlorn look back at me, he allowed the flickering flames in that big hole to swallow him up.

I guess I should be grateful that he changed his mind about erasing himself from my memories the same way he did to Jo, but maybe it would have been preferable to way my heart aches to know that I only just found him and now I’ve lost him because… because…

Fuck! I don’t even know why they took Sammael. I was downstairs, finishing up breakfast when I felt like I had the wind knocked out of me. Leaning against the counter, spatula in one hand, my other clutching my chest through my sweatshirt, it took me a moment to realize that I wasn’t having a sudden heart attack. It was painful and unexpected, and once I got past the shock of it, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.

That the pain came from this new bond I shared with my mate.

I didn’t even bother turning the stove off. With the bacon still crackling away behind me, I toss the spatula on the counter, then bolt for the stairs.

The whole time I dashed up to the second floor, I hoped that I would find Sammael taking up most of my bed like before. My blowjob skills did wonders to convince him to stay back and relax while I went down to the kitchen to whip up a meal. I had to. When we finally got back to talking about if we were hungry or not and I asked him what they ate in Sombra, the image of a fuzzy part squirrel, part house cat with a shadowy build and glowing white eyes popped into my brain.

No, thanks. I don’t know what that was supposed to be, but I told him I would introduce him to human food. So I’m not the world’s best cook. I can still make a mean bacon and eggs, and since Sammael doesn’t have anything else to compare it to, I figured it would be a win.

Only… when I forced myself to slow down so that I don’t freak him out with my tendency to think the worst and overreact, I walk into my room to see that he wasn’t alone.

There were two other Sombra demons in my bedroom, who were staring off against my mate before I showed up and they turned in unison to face me. Behind the bigger of the two—who had purple eyes like Sammael andtwopairs of horns jutting from his head—I saw… something.

I didn’t know what it was at first. It looked like a big oval-shaped hole about the size of my closet door. The edges of it were hazy, similar to one of the demon’s ink black outlines, while the inside… I swear to God… was full offire.